JUMP TOAuthenticationSelect your Druva ProductGenerate Authentication TokenpostPlatformReportsList ReportsgetGet ReportpostReport IDsEventsList EventsgetDruva Cloud Platform EventsAdmin RolesList rolesgetAdministratorsList all administratorsgetCreate an administratorpostGet administrator detailsgetDelete an administratordeleteUpdate administrator statuspatchChange an administrator's passwordpostJob Management for workloadsNASOn-demand backuppostCancel backup jobputOn-demand restorepostCancel restore jobputJob Management for workloads govcloudNASOn-demand backuppostCancel backup jobputOn-demand restorepostCancel restore jobputinSync CloudUser ManagementList all usersgetCreate a new userpostGet user information using userIDgetUpdate user information using userIDpatchDelete a userdeleteReset password for a userpostPreserve a userpostActivate a userpostDownload AuthKeygetProfile ManagementList all profilesgetGet profile informationgetEndpointsList all devices - v1getGet device information - v1getDelete a device.deleteDisable a devicepostEnable a devicepostCreate device mappingpostList device mappinggetDelete device mappingdeleteDecommission a devicepostUpgrade inSync Client on a devicepostList endpoint backupsgetList all restore activitiesgetInitiate a restore activitypostGet restore by restoreIDgetList all devices - v2getGet device information - v2getLegal HoldList legal hold policies - v3getCreate a legal hold policy - v3postGet details of a legal hold policy - v3getDelete a legal hold policy - v3deleteAdd or delete users (custodians) from a legal hold policy - v3postList the users on legal hold - v3getList legal hold policies associated with a user - v3postList Legal Hold policies - v4getCreate a Legal Hold policy - v4postLegal Hold policy details - v4getManage Legal Hold policy details - v4putDelete a Legal Hold policy - v4deleteLists the users of a Legal Hold policy - v4getLists all the devices of a Legal Hold policy - v4getList eDiscovery Download Clients - v4getGet eDiscovery Download Client details - v4getGet details of a download job - v4getInitiate custodian data download - v4postManage eDiscovery Download Client jobs - v4putList all download jobs - v4getEvent ManagementList all eventsgetStorage ManagementList all storagesgetGet storage informationgetList all CloudCache ServersgetGet CloudCache Server informationgetAD/LDAP ManagementList all AD/LDAP ConnectorsgetAudit Trail ManagementGet admin audit trail retention settingsgetFederated SearchSearch for filesgetSearch for emailsgetSensitive Data GovernanceList all data typesgetList all policy templatesgetList all configured policiesgetList all whitelisted keywordsgetList Sensitive Data Governance settingsgetList file violationsgetList email violationsgetinSync GovCloudGovCloud AuthorizationpostUser ManagementList all usersgetCreate a new userpostGet user information using userIDgetUpdate user information using userIDpatchDelete a userdeleteReset password for a userpostPreserve a userpostActivate a userpostDownload AuthKeygetProfile ManagementList all profilesgetGet profile informationgetEndpointsList all devices - v1getGet device information - v1getDelete a devicedeleteDisable a devicepostEnable a devicepostCreate device mappingpostList device mappinggetDelete device mappingdeleteDecommission a devicepostUpgrade inSync Client on a devicepostList endpoint backupsgetList all restore activitiesgetInitiate a restore activitypostGet restore by restoreIDgetList all devices - v2getGet device information - v2getLegal HoldList legal hold policies - v3getCreate a legal hold policy - v3postGet details of a legal hold policy - v3getDelete a legal hold policy - v3deleteAdd or delete users (custodians) from a legal hold policy - v3postList the users on legal hold - v3getList legal hold policies associated with a user - v3postList Legal Hold policies - v4getCreate a Legal Hold policy - v4postLegal Hold policy details - v4getDelete a Legal Hold policy - v4deleteLists the users of a Legal Hold policy - v4getLists all the devices of a Legal Hold policy - v4getList eDiscovery Download Clients - v4getGet eDiscovery Download Client details - v4getGet details of a download job - v4getInitiate custodian data download - v4postManage eDiscovery Download Client jobs - v4putList all download jobs - v4getEvent ManagementList all eventsgetStorage ManagementList all storagesgetGet storage informationgetList all CloudCache ServersgetGet CloudCache Server informationgetAD/LDAP ManagementList all AD/LDAP ConnectorsgetAudit Trail ManagementGet admin audit trail retention settingsgetEnterprise WorkloadsAudit TrailList audit trailsgetDRaaSList all DR PlansgetExecute DR Failover jobspostFile ServerList all backup setsgetList all content rulesgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetList all policiesgetList all Windows/Linux ServersgetList all snapshotsgetOn-demand backuppostCreate a restore job for the original serverpostCreate a restore job for the alternate serverpostCancel a jobpostNASList all snapshotsgetList all backup setsgetList all content rulesgetListHostgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetGetPolicies for policiesgetListProxygetHyper-VList all backupsetsgetList all FLR proxiesgetList all hostsgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetList all backup policiesgetCloudCacheList cloudcache configgetOrganizationList all organizationsgetStorageList storage usage.getVMwareList all backup setsgetList all backup proxiesgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetList all policiesgetOn-demand backuppostCancel a jobpostList all snapshotsgetRestore VM to original locationpostAlertsList of AlertsgetList of Alerts by typegetList backup failure alertsgetSQLServerList all SQL availability groupsgetList all backupsetsgetList all SQL instancesgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all defreeze jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all uploadlogs jobsgetList all policiesgetOn-demand backuppostCancel a jobpostGet backup set detailsgetList all snapshotsgetRestore SQL Server database(s) to an alternate locationpostRestore SQL Server database(s) to the original locationpostOracleDTCList all databasesgetList all serversgetList all backup policesgetList all backup setsgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetOn-demand backuppostCancel a jobpostList all snapshotsgetFull database restore to originalpostPBSList all backupsetsgetList all backupstoresgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all uploadlogs jobsgetAHVList all backup setsgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload log jobsgetList all policiesgetList all backup proxiesgetAWS NativeAccountsGet AccountsgetUpdate CredentialputCreate CredentialpostGet account detailsgetUpdate AccountputDelete accountdeleteGet Sync ProgressgetStart SyncronizationpostAuditAudit Count For AccountgetGet Audit Records For OrganizationgetAudit Count For OrganizationgetAwsGet AZ details for the specified accountgetReturn db cluster parameter groups by regiongetReturn the dboptiongroupspostReturn DB parameter groups by the region and account specifiedgetReturn db subnet groupsgetReturn db subnetsgetReturn gateways by subnet idgetGet account aliaspostReturn bucket location (region)getReturn instance profilesgetReturn server instance profilespostReturn instance typesgetReturn kmskeysgetReturn Cloudformation S3 URLpostGet AWS regionsgetReturn security groups by vpc idgetGet amazon secutiy groupsgetGet amazon ssh keysgetGet subnets detailsgetReturn subnets by vpc idgetReturn vpcsgetBackupPoliciesCount Resources from RulepostCount Policies Managed BackupsgetGet All Backup PoliciesgetGet One Backup PolicygetUpdate A Backup PolicyputDelete a Backup PolicydeleteExecute Backup PolicypostGet KMS Keys for ServerspostImport Backups to Backup PolicypostCreate Backup Policy RulepostUpdate Backup Policy RuleputDelete ruledeleteList PoliciesgetBackupsS3 Archive check.postFetch Account Backup CountgetUpdate BackupputArchive EBS snapshotspostCreate File-Level RestorepostFetch Backups For AccountgetFetch FLS Index DatagetUpdate backup attributespostRestore a backuppostRestore RDS ClusterpostRestore RDS Snapshot To InstancepostRestore EC2 InstancepostReturn Tag Keys For AccountgetReturn Tag Keys By OrggetReturn Tag Values By KeysgetReturn Tag Values For KeysgetRestore Volume From SnapshotpostBucketsGet BucketgetDisasterRecoveryPlansGet Backups for DRgetCount DR PlansgetCreate DR PlanpostGet Disaster Recovery PlansgetReturn DR PlansgetDelete DR plandeleteUpdate Disaster Recovery PlanputExecute FailbackpostGet DR PlansgetGet a DR ExecutiongetGet DR ExecutionsgetGet DR Plan JobsgetUpdate DR Test SchedulepostVerify DR Plan ServerspostEnvironmentsClone EnvironmentpostGet Environment clonesgetUpdate cloneputGet Environment CloudFormation templatesgetGet Environment ComponentsgetGet EnvironmentgetDelete EnvironmentdeleteUpdate EnvironmentputDownload CF TemplategetAdd resourcespostGet MappingsgetGet Organization EnvironmentsgetGet Environment ServersgetGet Server CountgetGet Envionment Tag-KeysgetGet Server Tag-ValuespostGet Environment VPCsgetAdd Environment VPCpostFileLevelSearchGet Network SettingsgetUpdate Network SettingsputDownload FilepostGet File TreegetGet ResultsgetPoll searchgetSearch IndexespostStart FLSpostNotificationSettingsUpdate notification settingsputOnboardingFinalize AWS Account in CloudRangerpostOrganizationGet Available AccountsgetReturn admin account membersgetGet organizationsgetUpdate organization detailsputReportsGenerate a CloudRanger reportpostGet S3 signed url in order to download the CloudRanger report filegetGet information for a generated CloudRanger reportgetReportSubscriptionsGet Report subscriptionsgetUpdate Report subscriptionputAdd recipient to Report subscriptionpostDelete a recipient from a Report subscriptiondeleteError CodesReportTemplatesGet report templatesgetGet report templategetResourcesCreate a backuppostGet resource count by rulespostReturn resource countgetGet resources matching rulespostResources by accountgetResources by organizationgetUpdate a resourceputGet backup policiesgetGet schedulesgetGet scriptsgetRestoresReturns the restoregetDelete restoredeleteReturn download for restoregetReturns all restoresgetSchedulesGet Schedule ServersgetGet Average Schedule TimegetGet Schedule CountgetGet All SchedulegetCreate the schedulespostUpdate A ScheduleputDelete Server From ScheduledeleteCreate ASG Scale EventpostSearch SchedulespostEmit Start EventpostEmit Stop EventpostGet Schedule's Tag KeysgetGet Schedule's Tag ValuesgetGet Schedules From TasksgetScriptsGet scriptsgetUpdate script versionputCreate script rulepostUpdate script ruleputGet script tag keysgetGet script tag valuesgetServersVerify ADR ServerspostCreate BackuppostGet Server CountgetGet IdsgetGet ServersgetGet ServerspostGet Configured ServersgetUpdate ServerputGet PoliciesgetGet Protected CountgetGet ServersgetGet Server SchedulesgetGet Servers By SubnetGroupgetGet Servers By SecurityGroupgetGet Servers By SubnetgetGet SSH KeyspostStart ServerpostGet StatsgetGet StatsgetStop ServerpostGet Tag CountpostGet Tag KeysgetGet Tag KeysgetGet Tag ValuesgetGet Tag ValuesgetTasksGet TasksgetGet A TaskgetStop A TaskpostStop A TaskpostVolumesReturns the idsgetReturns the volumesgetUpdate the volumeputReturns the volumegetGet Volumes countpostReturn the tag keysgetReturn tag valuesgetVPCsReturn subnetsgetReturn vpcsgetCyber ResilienceRansomware RecoverySearch for infected resourcesgetQuarantine snapshots on a resourcepostLists all quarantine rangesgetGet details of a quarantine rangegetUpdate the quarantine rangeputDelete a quarantine rangedeleteList all snapshotsgetDelete a snapshotdeleteData AnomaliesList snapshot statisticsgetRestore scansLists all the current settings.getSave the current settings.putLists all the current configured file hashes.getAdd new file hashes.postDelete the file hashes.deleteLists all the Restore scans jobs.getLists the details of Restore scans job.getLists the details of the affected or skipped files in the Restore scans job.getList count of restore scan jobsgetRealize EventsLists all Realize Events.getLists specific events according to the tracker ID.getCurated SnapshotsCreate a new Curated Snapshot.postList all the Curated Snapshot Jobs.getList the details of the Curated Snapshot job.getCancel the ongoing Curated Snapshot job.putDownload Report of Curated Snapshot job.getList all the Curated Snapshots.getDelete the Curated Snapshot.deleteThreat HuntingSearch resources for VMware resource typepostCreate a threat huntpostList all threat huntsgetCancel a threat huntputDelete a threat huntdeleteList threat hunt configuration detailsgetGet threat hunt summary for a specific threat huntgetList threat hunt resourcesgetList statistics of resources configured for threat huntgetGet resource details for a specific threat huntgetGet resource statistics for a specific threat huntgetList impacted snapshots for a specific threat huntgetDownload a reportgetSearch AWS AccountsgetList AWS ResourcesgetSearch AWS ResourcespostThreat IntelListing of ioc setsgetCreates a new IOC set.postLists all the IOCs that matches the specified parameters.getDetails of ioc setgetDelete an existing IOC Set.deleteUpdates existing IOC SetpatchDeletes IOCs from IOC SetdeleteCheck if the specified IOC exists in any of the existing IOC Sets.getEnterprise Workloads GovCloudGovCloud AuthorizationpostAudit TrailList audit trailsgetDRaaSList all DR PlansgetExecute DR Failover jobspostFile ServerList all backup setsgetList all content rulesgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetList all policiesgetList all Windows/Linux ServersgetList all snapshotsgetOn-demand backuppostCreate a restore job for the original serverpostCreate a restore job for the alternate serverpostCancel a jobpostNASList all snapshotsgetList all backup setsgetList all content rulesgetListHostgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetGetPolicies for policiesgetListProxygetHyper-VList all backupsetsgetList all FLR proxiesgetList all hostsgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetList all backup policiesgetCloudCacheList cloudcache configgetOrganizationList all organizationsgetStorageList storage usage.getVMwareList all backup setsgetList all backup proxiesgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetList all policiesgetOn-demand backuppostCancel a jobpostList all snapshotsgetRestore VM to original locationpostAlertsList of AlertsgetList of Alerts by typegetList backup failure alertsgetSQLServerList all SQL availability groupsgetList all backupsetsgetList all SQL instancesgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all defreeze jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all uploadlogs jobsgetList all policiesgetOn-demand backuppostCancel a jobpostGet backup set detailsgetList all snapshotsgetRestore SQL Server database(s) to an alternate locationpostRestore SQL Server database(s) to the original locationpostOracleDTCList all databasesgetList all serversgetList all backup policesgetList all backup setsgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all upload logs jobsgetOn-demand backuppostCancel a jobpostList all snapshotsgetFull database restore to originalpostPBSList all backupsetsgetList all backupstoresgetList all jobsgetList all backup jobsgetList all restore jobsgetList all uploadlogs jobsgetError CodesMicrosoft 365App ManagementGet Microsoft 365 Apps StatusgetRestore SharePoint Online dataList All SharePoint Site CollectionsgetList All SharePoint Site Restore PointsgetRestore a SharePoint SitepostRestore OneDrive/Exchange Online dataList users based on query filtersgetList All Protected Cloud AppsgetList All OneDrive/Exchange Online Restore pointsgetRestore a OneDrive Account or Exchange Online MailboxpostGoogle WorkspaceApp ManagementGet Google Workspace App StatusgetDruva MSPMSP AuthenticationpostCustomersList all customersgetCreate a new customerpostGet customer detailsgetUpdate customer detailsputGenerate API access token for a customerpostTenantsCreate a new tenantpostGet tenants listgetGet tenant detailsgetUpdate an existing tenantputSuspend a customer tenantpostUnsuspend a customer tenantpostService PlansList all service plansgetGet service plangetAdminsList all administratorsgetList all administratorsgetTasksGet task detailsgetEventsList all customer level eventsgetList all MSP level eventsgetReportsGet global usage report summarygetGet Itemized Tenant Consumption Report v2.0postGet Itemized Tenant Quota Report v2.0postHybrid Workloads ReportsView Alert History ReportpostView Backup Activity ReportpostView Resource Status ReportpostView Storage Consumption by BackupSets ReportpostView Disaster Recovery Replication Activity ReportpostView Disaster Recovery Failback Activity ReportpostView Disaster Recovery Failover Activity ReportpostEndpoints ReportsView Alert ReportpostView Users ReportpostView License Usage ReportpostView User Provisioning ReportpostView User Rollout ReportpostView Last Backup Status Report datapostView storage statistics of MSP customerspostView storage alerts of MSP customerspostView cloud cache statistics of MSP customerspostCyber Resilience ReportsView Rollback Actions ReportpostView Data Protection Risk ReportpostCloudRangerCloudRanger APIAccountsGet Accessible AccountsgetGet AccountsgetGet Account MembersgetCreates memberspostUpdate CredentialputCreate CredentialpostGet account detailsgetUpdate AccountputDelete accountdeleteUpdate MemberputDelete account memberdeleteGet IPgetGet Sync ProgressgetStart SyncronizationpostTest CredentialspostGet Weekly SavingsgetBackupsS3 Archive check.postFetch Account Backup CountgetUpdate BackupputArchive EBS snapshotspostCreate File-Level RestorepostFetch Backups For AccountgetFetch FLS Index DatagetUpdate backup attributespostRestore a backuppostRestore RDS ClusterpostRestore RDS Snapshot To InstancepostRestore EC2 InstancepostReturn Tag Keys For AccountgetReturn Tag Keys By OrggetReturn Tag Values By KeysgetReturn Tag Values For KeysgetRestore Volume From SnapshotpostServersVerify ADR ServerspostCreate BackuppostGet Server CountgetGet IdsgetGet ServersgetGet ServerspostGet Configured ServersgetUpdate ServerputGet PoliciesgetGet Protected CountgetGet ServersgetGet Server SchedulesgetGet Servers By SubnetGroupgetGet Servers By SecurityGroupgetGet Servers By SubnetgetGet SSH KeyspostStart ServerpostGet StatsgetGet StatsgetStop ServerpostGet Tag CountpostGet Tag KeysgetGet Tag KeysgetGet Tag ValuesgetGet Tag ValuesgetRestoresReturns the restoregetDelete restoredeleteReturn download for restoregetReturns all restoresgetOrganizationGet Available AccountsgetReturn admin account membersgetGet organizationsgetReturns the members of associated organizationgetCreates memberspostUpdates organization memberputDelete memberdeletegenerate cloudformation templatepostUpdate organization detailsputPerform test assume rolepostJobsGet Job CountgetGet All JobsgetGet One JobgetRetry Failed JobpostRetry Failed SteppostGet Tasks From JobgetGet All TasksgetGet One TaskgetSchedulesGet Schedule ServersgetGet Average Schedule TimegetGet Schedule CountgetGet All SchedulegetCreate the schedulespostUpdate A ScheduleputDelete Server From ScheduledeleteCreate ASG Scale EventpostSearch SchedulespostEmit Start EventpostEmit Stop EventpostGet Schedule's Tag KeysgetGet Schedule's Tag ValuesgetGet Schedules From TasksgetBackupPoliciesCount Resources from RulepostCount Policies Managed BackupsgetGet All Backup PoliciesgetGet One Backup PolicygetUpdate A Backup PolicyputDelete a Backup PolicydeleteExecute Backup PolicypostGet KMS Keys for ServerspostImport Backups to Backup PolicypostCreate Backup Policy RulepostUpdate Backup Policy RuleputDelete ruledeleteList PoliciesgetDisasterRecoveryPlansGet Backups for DRgetCount DR PlansgetCreate DR PlanpostGet Disaster Recovery PlansgetReturn DR PlansgetDelete DR plandeleteUpdate Disaster Recovery PlanputExecute FailbackpostGet DR PlansgetGet a DR ExecutiongetGet DR ExecutionsgetGet DR Plan JobsgetUpdate DR Test SchedulepostVerify DR Plan ServerspostTasksGet TasksgetGet A TaskgetStop A TaskpostStop A TaskpostResourcesCreate a backuppostGet resource count by rulespostReturn resource countgetGet resources matching rulespostResources by accountgetResources by organizationgetUpdate a resourceputGet backup policiesgetGet schedulesgetGet scriptsgetFileLevelSearchGet Network SettingsgetUpdate Network SettingsputDownload FilepostGet File TreegetGet ResultsgetPoll searchgetSearch IndexespostStart FLSpostEnvironmentsClone EnvironmentpostGet Environment clonesgetUpdate cloneputGet Environment CloudFormation templatesgetGet Environment ComponentsgetGet EnvironmentgetDelete EnvironmentdeleteUpdate EnvironmentputDownload CF TemplategetAdd resourcespostGet MappingsgetGet Organization EnvironmentsgetGet Environment ServersgetGet Server CountgetGet Envionment Tag-KeysgetGet Server Tag-ValuespostGet Environment VPCsgetAdd Environment VPCpostVPCsReturn subnetsgetReturn vpcsgetAuditAudit Count For AccountgetGet Audit Records For OrganizationgetAudit Count For OrganizationgetAutoScalingGroupsGet ASG IdsgetGet Tag CountpostGet Tag KeysgetGet Tag ValuesgetUserGet Authentication TokengetGet IP AddressgetAwsGet AZ details for the specified accountgetReturn db cluster parameter groups by regiongetReturn the dboptiongroupspostReturn DB parameter groups by the region and account specifiedgetReturn db subnet groupsgetReturn db subnetsgetReturn gateways by subnet idgetGet account aliaspostReturn bucket location (region)getReturn instance profilesgetReturn server instance profilespostReturn instance typesgetReturn kmskeysgetReturn Cloudformation S3 URLpostGet AWS regionsgetReturn security groups by vpc idgetGet amazon secutiy groupsgetGet amazon ssh keysgetGet subnets detailsgetReturn subnets by vpc idgetReturn vpcsgetVolumesReturns the idsgetReturns the volumesgetUpdate the volumeputReturns the volumegetGet Volumes countpostReturn the tag keysgetReturn tag valuesgetCredentialGet credentialgetBucketsGet BucketgetNotificationSettingsUpdate notification settingsputOnboardingFinalize AWS Account in CloudRangerpostInitialize AWS Account in CloudRangerpostUpdate Initialization AWS Account in CloudRangerputReportsGenerate a CloudRanger reportpostGet S3 signed url in order to download the CloudRanger report filegetGet information for a generated CloudRanger reportgetReportSubscriptionsGet Report subscriptionsgetUpdate Report subscriptionputAdd recipient to Report subscriptionpostDelete a recipient from a Report subscriptiondeleteReportTemplatesGet report templatesgetGet report templategetScriptsGet scripts available for importgetGet scriptsgetUpdate script versionputCreate script rulepostUpdate script ruleputGet script tag keysgetGet script tag valuesgetListHostget https://govapis.druva.com/phoenix/nas/v1/orgs/{OrgID}/reports/hostsReturns a list of all NAS hosts.