What's New
June 29, 2023
Introducing APIs for Reports
We've added APIs for reports in our common reporting framework. Now, as per your requirements, you can quickly get report data.
You can build integrations to obtain specific data for various use cases. For example, you can:
- Track the status of workloads periodically and trigger automated responses using third-party apps or custom scripts. For example, you can create a ticket to inform an administrator if backups fail beyond a certain percentage on a specific day.
- Keep a close eye on critical activities such as failed Restore jobs. This visibility allows you to proactively address any issues that may arise.
- Run narrowed-down diagnostics using filters to provide evidence during audits.
- Build personalized reports or a view to monitor all your data.
With these new APIs, you'll have more flexibility and control over your reporting.
For more information, see Getting Started with Reports API.
Note: With this release, APIs are unavailable for Endpoints’ Storage Status report and HyBrid Workloads’ Credit Consumption report and Cost Allocation report.
Septembr 09, 2023
Get details of Disabled Devices through APIs
You now get the following details of disabled devices with the help of enhanced List all Devices -v2 and Get Device Information - v2 APIs:
- Date & Time: Provides the timestamp when the device was marked Disabled.
- Disabled Mode: Provides information about the method or mode of the device being marked disabled. For example, the device is disabled through the Admin console.
Customer action: None.
For more information, see disable, enable or delete a user device.
March 25, 2023
Sensitive Data Governance: Introducing listing APIs
You can now use the following list APIs to create your own custom reports for file and email violations:
- List Data Types: Provides details of all the available data types
- List SDG policy templates: Provides details of all the available SDG policy templates created
- List SDG policies: Provides details of all the configured SDG policies
- List whitelisted keywords: Provides details of all the whitelisted keywords
- List SDG settings: Provides details of all the SDG settings configured
- List file violations: Provides details of all the file violations
- List email violations: Provides details of all the email violations
See Sensitive Data Governance APIs.
February 04, 2023
Federated Search: Introducing Search APIs
You can now use the following APIs to automate search and view details for the required files and emails using their SHA1 checksum value:
- Search for Files: Search and view details for files.
- Search for Emails: Search and view details of emails.
December 10, 2022
The following APIs are now available:
- List all AD/LDAP Connectors - To list all configured AD/LDAP Connectors in your environment and monitor their status.
- Get admin audit trail retention settings - To get the duration that your Druva Cloud Administrator has configured to retain the Audit Trails.
September 17, 2022
Restore curated snapshot using API
We have added a new parameter snapshotName to initiate a restore activity API that enables you to restore a curated snapshot.
May 28, 2022
API to Download Authkey (to replace/add new device)
Administrators can now use the Download Authkey API to replace or add a new device. For more information, see Download Authkey API
May 14, 2022
The following API parameter is available for the Public Cloud:
A new parameter - deletionReason is added to the Delete a user and Delete a device APIs to specify the reason for deletion. The reason will be captured in the Admin Audit trail for auditing purposes.
Microsoft 365
February 08, 2025
Expanded API Support for Microsoft 365 Reports
We’re excited to announce that Microsoft 365 reports on the Druva Cloud Platform Console now support APIs! This enhancement makes it easier to access, manage, and analyze data across your Microsoft 365 applications.
The following reports are now equipped with API support:
Report name | API name |
Groups Backup Activity Report | m365GroupsBackupActivity |
Groups Restore Activity Report | m365GroupsRestoreActivity |
Alert Report | m365Alerts |
License Usage Report | m365LicenseUsage |
Preserved Users Datasources Report | m365PreservedUsersDatasources |
Storage Consumption Report | m365StorageConsumption |
Users Count & Status Report | m365UserCountAndStatus |
User Last Backup Status Report | m365UserLastBackupStatus |
User Provisioning Report | m365UserProvisioning |
User Restore Activity Report | m365UserRestoreActivity |
User Workload Report | m365UserWorkload |
Public Folder Backup Activity Report | m365PublicFolderBackupActivity |
Public Folder Restore Activity Report | m365PublicFolderRestoreActivity |
SharePoint Online Backup Activity Report | m365SharePointBackupActivity |
SharePoint Online Restore Activity Report | m365SharePointRestoreActivity |
Teams Backup Activity Report | m365TeamsBackupActivity |
Teams Restore Activity Report | m365TeamsRestoreActivity |
For more details, visit the Get Reports API page.
Microsoft 365: Introducing Restore APIs
May 18, 2024
Introducing our new restore APIs, offering seamless functionality to list SharePoint sites, Exchange Online users, OneDrive accounts, and restore points. Effortlessly initiate restores for SharePoint Online, OneDrive, and Exchange Online, ensuring a smooth and efficient data recovery process.
The following is a list of APIs, along with a brief description:
- List All SharePoint Site Collections: Retrieve the list of SharePoint site collections.
- List All SharePoint Site Restore Points: Retrieve the list of restore points for protected SharePoint sites.
- Restore a SharePoint Site: Performs a restore of a SharePoint site to a new or existing site.
- List users based on query filters: Retrieve a filtered list of users based on query filters.
- List All Protected Cloud Apps: Retrieve the list of all protected SaaS Apps.
- List All OneDrive/Exchange Online Restore points: Retrieve the list of OneDrive/Exchange Online restore points.
- Restore a OneDrive Account or Exchange Online Mailbox: Performs a restore for a OneDrive account or an Exchange Online mailbox to a new or existing account.
Customer action required: None.
Google Workspace
February 08, 2025
Expanded API Support for Google Workspace Reports
We’re excited to announce that Google Workspace reports on the Druva Cloud Platform Console now support APIs! This enhancement makes it easier to access, manage, and analyze data across your Microsoft 365 applications.
The following reports are now equipped with API support:
Report name | API name |
Alert History Report | googleAlerts |
License Usage Report | googleLicenseUsage |
Preserved Users Datasources Report | googlePreservedUsersDatasources |
Google Shared Drive Backup Activity Report | GoogleSharedDriveBackupActivity |
Google Shared Drive Restore Activity Report | GoogleSharedDriveRestoreActivity |
Storage Consumption Report | googleStorageConsumption |
Users Count & Status Report | googleUserCountAndStatus |
User Last Backup Status Report | googleUserLastBackupStatus |
User Provisioning Report | googleUserProvisioning |
User Restore Activity Report | googleUserRestoreActivity |
User Workload Report | googleUserWorkload |
For more information, see Getting Reports API.
February 22, 2024
Extended API Support for Salesforce Reports
The Salesforce reports have now been added with API support to the Druva Cloud Platform Console. These reports are now API-enabled, making it more convenient to access, manage, and analyze SFDC backup data.
The following reports are now equipped with API support:
Report | Report API |
Backup Activity | sfdcBackupActivity |
Data Restore Activity | sfdcDataRestoreActivity |
Archival Activity | sfdcArchivalActivity |
Archival Restore Activity | sfdcArchivalRestoreActivity |
Sandbox Seeding Activity | sfdcSandboxSeedingActivity |
For more information, see Getting Reports API.
Enterprise Workloads
April 01, 2024
File Server
Sort jobs based on schedule time
With the newly added response parameter, scheduleTime, you can now sort the jobs based on the time the job is created or scheduled. This parameter is added to the following File Server APIs:
- List all jobs
- List all backup jobs
- List all restore jobs
- List all upload logs jobs
For more information, see API reference documentation on the Druva developer portal.
January 22, 2024
Manage backup and restore jobs using NAS APIs
Druva introduces the following job management APIs:
- On-demand backup
- On-demand restore
- Cancel backup job
- Cancel restore job
Using these APIs, you can create and cancel backup and restore jobs.
January 15, 2024
List all snapshots using NAS APIs
You can list all snapshots for a specific backup set by using the List all snapshots API.
For more information, see API reference documentation on the Druva developer portal.
Revamping NAS APIs
The following NAS APIs are undergoing some changes and are temporarily removed. The updated APIs will be published in the upcoming release.
- Cancel a job
- On-demand backup
December 18, 2023
Introducing Common Events API for VMware
Druva has introduced a new Events API for VMware. Using this API, you can get a list and view of all the events across the VMware workload. For more information, see API reference documentation on the Druva developer portal.
SQL Server
Restore to alternate location API
You can now restore a SQL database to an alternate location by using the Restore To Alternate Instance Request API. This actionable API can restore an SQL database backup to an alternate instance. For more information, see API reference documentation on the Druva developer portal.
May 15, 2023
The following APIs are available for Public Cloud and Gov Cloud:
File Server
List all snapshots and perform restore of files/folders to original or alternate server
You can list all snapshots for a specific backup set by using the List all snapshots API. Additionally, you can restore files/folders to the:
- original server by using the Create a restore job for the original server API
- alternate server by using the Create a restore job for the alternate server API
March 20, 2023
The following APIs are available for Public Cloud:
Nutanix AHV
Introducing APIs for AHV
Druva has introduced reporting APIs for Nutanix AHV. Using these APIs you can integrate tools and applications with Druva for a more customizable experience for reporting, analytics, alerts, and gain insight into the performances of Nutanix AHV virtual machines that Druva protects. For more information, see the Nutanix AHV.
September 19, 2022
The following API is available for both Public Cloud and Gov Cloud:
MS SQL Servers
Identify a job with a resource identifier
With the newly added response parameter, resourceID, in the List all backup jobs and List all restore jobs APIs, you can now correlate a resourceID with a specific job. For more information, see the List all backup jobs and List all restore jobs APIs on the Druva Developer Portal.
July 18, 2022
The following APIs are available for both Public Cloud and Gov Cloud:
List all snapshots and perform full automated restore of a VM using VMware actionable APIs
You can list all snapshots for a specific backup set by using the List all snapshots API. Additionally, you can restore a VM automatically to the original location by using the Full VM restore to original API.
For more information, see List all snapshots API.
MS SQL Servers
Restore a SQL Server database to the original location (with Replace)
Use the Restore To Original Instance API to perform a restore for the given SQL server databases to the original location (with Replace). The following APIs provide additional information to the Restore To Original Instance API.
- The List all snapshots API provides all the snapshots for the specified backup set.
- The Get Backupset Details API returns the complete backup set details of the requested backup sets. You can find the database name using this API.
For more information, see API reference documentation on the Druva developer portal.
June 20, 2022
The following APIs are available for both Public Cloud and Gov Cloud:
MS SQL Servers
Identify a job with a resource identifier
We are adding resourceID in the response parameter of the List All Jobs APIs. Using this resourceID parameter, you can now correlate the job with the respective resourceID. For more information, see the List all jobs API.
Filter the availability groups based on the availability group identifier
We are adding agID in the request and response parameters of the List All Availability Groups API.Using the agID that is specified, you can now list only the required availability group. If you do not provide an agID, the API returns all availability groups.
For more information, see the List all SQL availability groups API.
May 16, 2022
The following APIs are available for both Public Cloud and Gov Cloud:
File Servers
You can now use Druva APIs to run on-demand (manual) backups of the specified File Servers and cancel requested File Server jobs.
- On-demand backup API to run manual backups of a specified File Server.
- Cancel a job API to cancel a requested job.
You can list all snapshots for a specific backup set by using the List all snapshots API. Additionally, you can also restore a database automatically to the original server by using the Full database restore to the original API.
Earlier, the API endpoints for the Oracle PBS jobs, such as List all backup jobs, List all restore jobs, and so on, did not have backup set ID and backup set mount names. This made it difficult to correlate the job with the respective backup set.
To fix this, we are now passing the following additional response parameters to the APIs:
- List all backupsets: OrgID, BackupsetID, OracleStoreID
- List all backupstores: OrgID
- List all jobs: OrgID
- List all backup jobs: OrgID, BackupsetID, BackupMountName
- List all restore jobs: OrgID, BackupsetID, BackupMountName
- List all uploadlogs jobs: OrgID
March 21, 2022
The following APIs are available for both Public Cloud and Gov Cloud:
MS SQL Servers
You can now use Druva APIs to run on-demand (manual) backups of MS SQL Server databases and cancel requested MS SQL Server jobs.
- On-demand backup API to run full, differential, and transaction log backups of MS SQL Server databases.
- Cancel a job API to cancel a requested Backup, Restore, or Upload Log job.
February 21, 2022
The following APIs are available for both Public Cloud and Gov Cloud:
Oracle DTC
You can now cancel the requested Backup, Restore, or Upload Log job by using the Oracle Cancel job API.
You can now use the following Druva APIs to run on-demand (manual) backups of a specified NAS device and cancel requested NAS jobs.
- On-demand backup API to run a manual backup of a specified NAS device.
- Cancel a job API to cancel a specific job.
January 24, 2022
The following APIs are available for both Public Cloud and Gov Cloud.
You can now use the following Druva APIs to run on-demand (manual) backups of a specified VMware virtual machine and cancel requested VMware jobs.
- On-demand backup API to run a manual backup of a specified virtual machine.
- Cancel a job API to cancel a specific job.
Oracle - DTC
You can now use the On-demand backup API to run on-demand (manual) full, incremental, and archive log backups of Oracle databases.
December 20, 2021
Disaster Recovery
You can now use the following Druva APIs to automate failover jobs for all virtual machines of a DR Plan:
- List DR Plans API to list the DR Plan details of all configured DR Plans.
- Execute DR Failover jobs API to execute a failover job for all virtual machines in the selected DR Plan.
Cyber Resilience
January 28, 2023
Changed Service Name from Realize to Cyber Resililence
Aligning with licensing and offering, we have updated the Druva Realize service to Cyber Resilience.
New API for listing count of restore scan jobs
We have added the List count of restore scan jobs API to support automation and get information about the total count of all the restore scan jobs for different resource types- File Server, NAS, Endpoints, and so on.
Managed Service Providers (MSP)
December 26, 2024
Introduced the New List All Administrators API
With this release, a new and enhanced List All Administrators API replaces the old version. Key changes include timezone information for each admin, admin account status, and enhanced performance and integration capabilities.
Key Improvements-
Improved Functionality- Enhanced capabilities and features to better meet your needs.
Simplified Integration- Streamlined processes for easier integration into your applications.
Enhanced Performance- Optimized performance for faster response times and improved user experience.
Action required: Modify your applications to use the new API endpoints and parameters.
November 14, 2024
Enhanced user and device filtering for precise monitoring and troubleshooting
We've introduced a new filter, "isDeleted," to our reporting APIs. This enhancement empowers you to fine-tune your monitoring and troubleshooting efforts by filtering reports based on user and device deletion status.
Key Benefits:
Targeted Analysis: Pinpoint specific user groups for in-depth analysis.
Efficient Troubleshooting: Quickly isolate issues by filtering out irrelevant data.
Following is the list of Endpoints reports that have this new filter:
By leveraging this new filter, you can gain deeper insights into your environment and make more informed decisions.
September 05, 2024
Deprecated three reports and their corresponding APIs
We have deprecated three reports and APIs in favor of more powerful reporting. Our previous reports, while valuable in their time, have become redundant and lack the detailed information needed for comprehensive usage analysis. To address this, we've developed improved versions of these reports with richer details, providing a more comprehensive view of your tenant's usage.
Listed below are the deprecated reports with their corresponding APIs
Report Name | API Endpoint |
Tenant Consumption Report | msp/v2/reports/consumptionmsp/v2/reports/consumption/summary |
Tenant Quota Consumption Report | msp/v2/reports/quotamsp/v2/reports/quota/summary |
Backupset Report | msp/v2/reports/backupsets |
Thereby, subscribe to the new reports and upgrade your automation or monitoring tool with new APIs in the place of deprecated ones. The new reports and their respective APIs are:
New Reports | API Endpoints |
Tenant Consumption Report Version 2.0 | msp/reporting/v1/reports/consumptionItemized |
Tenant Quota Consumption Report Version 2.0 | msp/reporting/v1/reports/quotaItemized |
Backup Activity Report | msp/reporting/v1/reports/mspEWBackupActivity |
Key benefits
More Detailed Insights: Gain a comprehensive understanding of your tenant's usage patterns.
Actionable Data: Make informed billing decisions based on actual Druva service and add-on consumption.
Improved Efficiency: Access all backup job details in one centralized location with the Hybrid Workloads report.
July 25, 2024
Simplified details in the Customer Level Events API
We've simplified the details field in the API response of Customer Level Events API to provide a more developer-friendly experience. Previously, the details field was returned as a stringified JSON object, requiring consumers to parse it manually. With this update, the details field is now directly returned as a valid JSON object.
Key Changes:
New Endpoint: https://apis.druva.com/msp/v3/customers/{customerID}/events
Old Endpoint: https://apis.druva.com/msp/v2/customers/{customerID}/events
Reduced processing time: Consumers no longer need to perform unnecessary stringification and parsing operations.
Improved efficiency: Simplifies API integration and reduces potential error points.
Action required: Existing consumers of the Customer Level Events API should start using the new API endpoint to accommodate the new changes.
July 11, 2024
Streamlined Monitoring and Alerting for MSPs with Event-Driven APIs
Traditionally, monitoring required continuous checks on systems to detect changes. This can be inefficient and lead to information overload. Event-driven monitoring works differently. You can now leverage MSP event APIs to get the details about MSP alerts, audit trails, subscription history, and login activities. You can integrate the responses from these event APIs with your favorite monitoring tools. This unlocks a world of possibilities for customized dashboards, alerts, and even ticket generation.
Key benefits:
Reduced Noise, Increased Focus: Focus on what matters! Receive alerts only when events occur, eliminating unnecessary notifications and streamlining your workflow.
Customizable Monitoring: Tailor your monitoring experience to your specific needs. Leverage third-party tools to create custom dashboards, alerts, and even automate ticket generation for faster issue resolution.
Improved Manageability: Gain a comprehensive view of your entire infrastructure, allowing for proactive problem identification and improved overall manageability.
For more information about events APIs, see MSP-level event APIs.
May 02, 2024
New APIs for reporting automation and integration are now available for MSPs
MSP Admins can now leverage new APIs to automatically generate reports for Endpoints, Hybrid Workloads, and Cyber Resilience. This eliminates manual report creation, saving you valuable time.
These APIs utilize a single set of MSC credentials, eliminating the need to manage separate credentials for each customer.
The enhanced API response includes customer name, account name, and customer ID, simplifying data integration with your existing tools and removing the need to maintain a separate customer list.
For more information, see
December 01, 2022
New Feature
Druva has released a new version - V2 of MSP APIs. V2 APIs come with enhanced APIs that enable the automation of tasks related to Endpoints in addition to Hybrid Workloads & Microsoft 365.
November 18, 2022
Druva has deprecated V1 of MSP APIs.