Get reports on Microsoft 365
The reports that provide data on Microsoft 365 apps such as Teams, groups, and SharePoint
SharePoint Site Discovery Report
This report provides comprehensive details of all configured SharePoint sites, including backup details and storage consumption for enabled and disabled sites.
Request type
Sample cURL request
"curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--data '
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "siteName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "string"
"pageToken": ""
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"addedOn": "2024-08-08T14:05:50.000Z",
"appStatus": "Disabled",
"backupFrequency": 720,
"errorDetailsNew": null,
"errorDetailsOld": "-",
"geolocation": "FRA (France)",
"isDeleted": 0,
"lastBackupAttempted": "2024-08-29T05:36:43.000Z",
"lastBackupStatus": "Backed Up Successfully",
"lastSuccessfulBackup": "2024-08-29T05:36:43.000Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-08-29T11:59:14.000Z",
"retention": "8D, 5W, 13M",
"siteDbId": 131432,
"siteName": "007 - pvt-channel-new",
"siteType": "MS Teams Private Channel Site",
"siteURL": "",
"storageRegion": "us-east-1",
"totalBackupData": 482739
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2024-06-23T06:32:58Z",
"operator": "gte"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-09-02T10:01:22Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | Specifies the last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in the UTC time zone. For Example - 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z |
siteDbId | string | Specifies the ID of the site stored in DB. |
siteName | string | Specifies the name of the site stored in DB. |
siteURL | string | Specifies the URL for that site. |
siteType | string | Specifies the type of a particular site. For example - "MS Teams Site ," "M365 Groups Site " |
addedOn | integer | EPOCH timestamp indicates the time when the site was added to DB. |
geolocation | string | Specifies the geolocation of the configured site. For example - "APC (Macro Region Geography 2 - Asia-Pacific) ", "AUS (Australia)" |
backupFrequency | integer | Specifies the backup frequency denoted by specific integer values, For example - • 720 - Twice A day • 1440 - Once A day • 4320 - Twice A Week • 10080 - Once A Week • 480 - Thrice A day • 2880 - Thrice A Week • 240 - Five Times a day • 0 - Never |
retention | string | Specifies the retention policy for backups, indicating the duration for which backups will be kept. The format follows a combination of days (D), weeks (W), and months (M). For example, "5D, 4W, 12M" means backups will be retained for 5 days, 4 weeks, and 12 months. |
appStatus | string | Specifies the status of the configured site. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
totalBackupData | integer | Specifies the value of the total backup data stored in bytes. |
lastSuccessfulBackup | integer | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was successful. |
lastBackupAttempted | integer | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was attempted. |
lastBackupStatus | string | Specifies the status of the last backup attempted, For example - "Backup Successful " |
errorDetailsOld | string | A string representing error occured for the last backup job. For example - "EUSERNOTFOUND " |
errorDetailsNew | string | A string represents all the errors during the last backup in a comma-separated format. For example - ""100010016,100000001"" The actual error strings associated with the error codes are as below. 100000001 - Internal error 1000000f7 - Throttling Issue 10000000b - Quota limit reached 10000000A - Task Aborted 100000016 - Authorization Failed 100000046 - Insufficient Permissions 10000004b - Task Canceled 100010001 - File is checked out 100010002 - MS Team site channel update failed 100010007 - Character Limit Exceeded 100010009 - Token Invalid 10001000f - User Not Found 100010010 - Microsoft List View Threshold Reached 100010011 - Virus Infected File 100010013 - File Not Found 100010014 - Connection Error From Microsoft 100010015 - The site level feature is not available in SharePoint Online 100010016 - Site Not Found 100010017 - Metadata Restore Failed 100010018 - Site Feature Restore Failed 100010019 - Quick Launch Node Restore Failed 10001001a - Top Navigation Bar Restore Failed 10001001b - Term Store Restore Failed 10001001c - List Item Restore Failed 10001001d - Site Not Found in SharePoint PowerShell 10001001f - SharePoint Site Busy 100010020 - SharePoint Storage Issue 100010023 - Cannot Restore Active Solution 100010024 - SharePoint Site Locked |
storageRegion | string | Specifies the name of the storage assigned. |
filters | object | Filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Teams Discovery Report
This report provides you with comprehensive details of all configured Teams, including backup details and storage consumption for both enabled and disabled Teams.
Request type
Sample cURL request
"curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--data '
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "teamName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "string"
"pageToken": ""
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"addedOn": "2024-07-26T11:56:29.000Z",
"appStatus": "Enabled",
"backupFrequency": 1440,
"isDeleted": 0,
"lastBackupAttempted": null,
"lastBackupStatus": "Never Backed Up",
"lastSuccessfulBackup": null,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-09-02T00:00:23.000Z",
"privacy": "Public",
"privateChannelCount": 1,
"retention": "7D, 4W, 12M",
"sharedChannelCount": 0,
"statusDetails": "-",
"storageRegion": "us-east-1",
"teamDbId": 12805,
"teamName": "¡¢£¤¥µ¶ÝÞß¿-उत्तम-!$pc2",
"teamState": "Active",
"totalBackupData": 54608032
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2024-06-23T06:32:58Z",
"operator": "gte"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-09-02T13:38:46Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of Teams Discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | Specifies the last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in the UTC time zone. For Example - 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z |
teamDbId | integer | Specifies the ID of the Team stored in DB. |
teamName | string | Specifies the name of the Team stored in DB. |
privacy | string | Specifies the privacy type defined for the team. Example - "Public ", "Private " |
addedOn | integer | EPOCH timestamp indicates the time when the Teams was added to DB. |
backupFrequency | integer | Specifies the backup frequency denoted by specific integer values, For example - • 720 - Twice A day • 1440 - Once A day • 4320 - Twice A Week • 10080 - Once A Week • 480 - Thrice A day • 2880 - Thrice A Week • 240 - Five Times a day • 0 - Never |
retention | string | Specifies the retention policy for backups, indicating the duration for which backups will be kept. The format follows a combination of days (D), weeks (W), and months (M). For example, "5D, 4W, 12M" means backups will be retained for 5 days, 4 weeks, and 12 months. |
appStatus | string | Specifies the status of the configured Team. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
totalBackupData | integer | Specifies the value of the total backup data stored in bytes. |
sharedChannelCount | integer | Specifies the total number of shared channels associated with the team. |
privateChannelCount | integer | Specifies the total number of private channels associated with the team(total channels = private channels + shared channels.) |
teamState | string | Specifies the current state of the team. Example - "Archived ", "Active " |
lastSuccessfulBackup | integer | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was successful. |
lastBackupAttempted | integer | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was attempted. |
lastBackupStatus | string | Specifies the status of the last backup attempted. For example - "Backup Successful " |
statusDetails | string | A string representing error occured for the last backup job. For example - "EUSERNOTFOUND " |
storageRegion | string | Specifies the name of the Storage assigned. |
filters | object | Filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Groups Discovery Report
This report provides you with comprehensive details for configured Groups, including backup details and storage consumption for both active and disabled Groups.
Request type
Sample cURL request
"curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--data '
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "groupName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "string"
"pageToken": ""
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"addedOn": "2024-07-26T11:56:04.000Z",
"appStatus": "Enabled",
"backupFrequency": 1440,
"groupDbId": 85279,
"groupEmail": "[email protected]",
"groupName": "Test_GRP_7",
"groupType": "Microsoft 365",
"isDeleted": 0,
"lastBackupAttempted": "2024-08-28T07:29:43.000Z",
"lastBackupStatus": "Backed Up Successfully",
"lastSuccessfulBackup": "2024-08-28T07:29:43.000Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-09-01T14:36:07.000Z",
"plannerEnabled": "Enabled",
"retention": "7D, 4W, 12M",
"statusDetails": "-",
"storageRegion": "us-east-1",
"teamsEnabled": "Enabled",
"totalBackupData": 1053228
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2024-06-23T06:32:58Z",
"operator": "gte"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-09-02T10:01:48Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of Groups Discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | Specifies the last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in the UTC time zone. For Example - 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z |
groupDbId | integer | Specifies the ID of the Group stored in DB. |
groupName | string | Specifies the name of the site stored in DB. |
groupEmail | string | Specifies the email associated with the Group. |
groupType | string | Specifies the type of the group. For example - "Security ", "Microsoft 365 " |
addedOn | integer | EPOCH timestamp indicates the time when the group was added to DB. |
backupFrequency | integer | Specifies the backup frequency denoted by specific integer values, For example - • 720 - Twice A day • 1440 - Once A day • 4320 - Twice A Week • 10080 - Once A Week • 480 - Thrice A day • 2880 - Thrice A Week • 240 - Five Times a day • 0 - Never |
retention | string | Specifies the retention policy for backups, indicating the duration for which backups will be kept. The format follows a combination of days (D), weeks (W), and months (M). For example, "5D, 4W, 12M" means backups will be retained for 5 days, 4 weeks, and 12 months. |
appStatus | string | Specifies the status of the configured group. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
totalBackupData | integer | The value of total backup data stored, in bytes. |
lastSuccessfulBackup | integer | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was successful. |
lastBackupAttempted | integer | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was attempted. |
lastBackupStatus | string | Specifies the status of the last backup attempted, Example - "`Backup Successful " |
statusDetails | string | A string representing an error occurred for the last backup job. For example - "EUSERNOTFOUND " |
teamsEnabled | string | Indicates whether the associated Team is enabled or not. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
storageRegion | string | Specifies the name of the storage assigned. |
plannerEnabled | string | Indicates whether the planner is enabled or not. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
filters | object | Filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Updated 3 days ago