Get reports on Microsoft 365
The reports that provide data on Microsoft 365 apps such as Teams, groups, and SharePoint
SharePoint Site Discovery Report
This report provides comprehensive details of all configured SharePoint sites, including backup details and storage consumption for enabled and disabled sites.
Request type
Sample cURL request
"curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--data '
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "siteName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "string"
"pageToken": ""
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"addedOn": "2024-08-08T14:05:50.000Z",
"appStatus": "Disabled",
"backupFrequency": 720,
"errorDetailsNew": null,
"errorDetailsOld": "-",
"geolocation": "FRA (France)",
"isDeleted": 0,
"lastBackupAttempted": "2024-08-29T05:36:43.000Z",
"lastBackupStatus": "Backed Up Successfully",
"lastSuccessfulBackup": "2024-08-29T05:36:43.000Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-08-29T11:59:14.000Z",
"retention": "8D, 5W, 13M",
"siteDbId": 131432,
"siteName": "007 - pvt-channel-new",
"siteType": "MS Teams Private Channel Site",
"siteURL": "",
"storageRegion": "us-east-1",
"totalBackupData": 482739
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2024-06-23T06:32:58Z",
"operator": "gte"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-09-02T10:01:22Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | Specifies the last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in the UTC time zone. For Example - 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z |
siteDbId | integer | Specifies the ID of the site stored in DB. |
siteName | string | Specifies the name of the site stored in DB. |
siteURL | string | Specifies the URL for that site. |
siteType | string | Specifies the type of a particular site. For example - "MS Teams Site ," "M365 Groups Site " |
addedOn | date-time | EPOCH timestamp indicates the time when the site was added to DB. |
geolocation | string | Specifies the geolocation of the configured site. For example - "APC (Macro Region Geography 2 - Asia-Pacific) ", "AUS (Australia)" |
isdeleted | integer | Indicates whether the site is deleted from the database. |
backupFrequency | integer | Specifies the backup frequency denoted by specific integer values, For example - • 720 - Twice A day • 1440 - Once A day • 4320 - Twice A Week • 10080 - Once A Week • 480 - Thrice A day • 2880 - Thrice A Week • 240 - Five Times a day • 0 - Never |
retention | string | Specifies the retention policy for backups, indicating the duration for which backups will be kept. The format follows a combination of days (D), weeks (W), and months (M). For example, "5D, 4W, 12M" means backups will be retained for 5 days, 4 weeks, and 12 months. |
appStatus | string | Specifies the status of the configured site. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
totalBackupData | integer | Specifies the value of the total backup data stored in bytes. |
lastSuccessfulBackup | date-time | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was successful. |
lastBackupAttempted | date-time | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was attempted. |
lastBackupStatus | string | Specifies the status of the last backup attempted, For example - "Backup Successful " |
errorDetailsOld | string | A string representing error occurred for the last backup job. For example - "EUSERNOTFOUND " |
errorDetailsNew | string | A string represents all the errors during the last backup in a comma-separated format. For example - ""100010016,100000001"" The actual error strings associated with the error codes are as below. 100000001 - Internal error 1000000f7 - Throttling Issue 10000000b - Quota limit reached 10000000A - Task Aborted 100000016 - Authorization Failed 100000046 - Insufficient Permissions 10000004b - Task Canceled 100010001 - File is checked out 100010002 - MS Team site channel update failed 100010007 - Character Limit Exceeded 100010009 - Token Invalid 10001000f - User Not Found 100010010 - Microsoft List View Threshold Reached 100010011 - Virus Infected File 100010013 - File Not Found 100010014 - Connection Error From Microsoft 100010015 - The site level feature is not available in SharePoint Online 100010016 - Site Not Found 100010017 - Metadata Restore Failed 100010018 - Site Feature Restore Failed 100010019 - Quick Launch Node Restore Failed 10001001a - Top Navigation Bar Restore Failed 10001001b - Term Store Restore Failed 10001001c - List Item Restore Failed 10001001d - Site Not Found in SharePoint PowerShell 10001001f - SharePoint Site Busy 100010020 - SharePoint Storage Issue 100010023 - Cannot Restore Active Solution 100010024 - SharePoint Site Locked |
storageRegion | string | Specifies the name of the storage assigned. |
filters | object | Filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Teams Discovery Report
This report provides you with comprehensive details of all configured Teams, including backup details and storage consumption for both enabled and disabled Teams.
Request type
Sample cURL request
"curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--data '
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "teamName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "string"
"pageToken": ""
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"addedOn": "2024-07-26T11:56:29.000Z",
"appStatus": "Enabled",
"backupFrequency": 1440,
"isDeleted": 0,
"lastBackupAttempted": null,
"lastBackupStatus": "Never Backed Up",
"lastSuccessfulBackup": null,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-09-02T00:00:23.000Z",
"privacy": "Public",
"privateChannelCount": 1,
"retention": "7D, 4W, 12M",
"sharedChannelCount": 0,
"statusDetails": "-",
"storageRegion": "us-east-1",
"teamDbId": 12805,
"teamName": "¡¢£¤¥µ¶ÝÞß¿-उत्तम-!$pc2",
"teamState": "Active",
"totalBackupData": 54608032
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2024-06-23T06:32:58Z",
"operator": "gte"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-09-02T13:38:46Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of Teams Discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | Specifies the last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in the UTC time zone. For Example - 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z |
teamDbId | integer | Specifies the ID of the Team stored in DB. |
teamName | string | Specifies the name of the Team stored in DB. |
privacy | string | Specifies the privacy type defined for the team. Example - "Public ", "Private " |
addedOn | date-time | EPOCH timestamp indicates the time when the Teams was added to DB. |
backupFrequency | integer | Specifies the backup frequency denoted by specific integer values, For example - • 720 - Twice A day • 1440 - Once A day • 4320 - Twice A Week • 10080 - Once A Week • 480 - Thrice A day • 2880 - Thrice A Week • 240 - Five Times a day • 0 - Never |
isdeleted | integer | Indicates whether the Team is deleted from the database. |
retention | string | Specifies the retention policy for backups, indicating the duration for which backups will be kept. The format follows a combination of days (D), weeks (W), and months (M). For example, "5D, 4W, 12M" means backups will be retained for 5 days, 4 weeks, and 12 months. |
appStatus | string | Specifies the status of the configured Team. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
totalBackupData | integer | Specifies the value of the total backup data stored in bytes. |
sharedChannelCount | integer | Specifies the total number of shared channels associated with the team. |
privateChannelCount | integer | Specifies the total number of private channels associated with the team(total channels = private channels + shared channels.) |
teamState | string | Specifies the current state of the team. Example - "Archived ", "Active " |
lastSuccessfulBackup | date-time | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was successful. |
lastBackupAttempted | date-time | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was attempted. |
lastBackupStatus | string | Specifies the status of the last backup attempted. For example - "Backup Successful " |
statusDetails | string | A string representing error occurred for the last backup job. For example - "EUSERNOTFOUND " |
storageRegion | string | Specifies the name of the Storage assigned. |
filters | object | Filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Groups Discovery Report
This report provides you with comprehensive details for configured Groups, including backup details and storage consumption for both active and disabled Groups.
Request type
Sample cURL request
"curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--data '
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "groupName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "string"
"pageToken": ""
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"addedOn": "2024-07-26T11:56:04.000Z",
"appStatus": "Enabled",
"backupFrequency": 1440,
"groupDbId": 85279,
"groupEmail": "[email protected]",
"groupName": "Test_GRP_7",
"groupType": "Microsoft 365",
"isDeleted": 0,
"lastBackupAttempted": "2024-08-28T07:29:43.000Z",
"lastBackupStatus": "Backed Up Successfully",
"lastSuccessfulBackup": "2024-08-28T07:29:43.000Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-09-01T14:36:07.000Z",
"plannerEnabled": "Enabled",
"retention": "7D, 4W, 12M",
"statusDetails": "-",
"storageRegion": "us-east-1",
"teamsEnabled": "Enabled",
"totalBackupData": 1053228
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2024-06-23T06:32:58Z",
"operator": "gte"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-09-02T10:01:48Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of Groups Discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | Specifies the last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in the UTC time zone. For Example - 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z |
groupDbId | integer | Specifies the ID of the Group stored in DB. |
groupName | string | Specifies the name of the group stored in DB. |
groupEmail | string | Specifies the email associated with the Group. |
groupType | string | Specifies the type of the group. For example - "Security ", "Microsoft 365 " |
isdeleted | integer | Indicates whether the Group is deleted from the database. |
addedOn | date-time | EPOCH timestamp indicates the time when the group was added to DB. |
backupFrequency | integer | Specifies the backup frequency denoted by specific integer values, For example - • 720 - Twice A day • 1440 - Once A day • 4320 - Twice A Week • 10080 - Once A Week • 480 - Thrice A day • 2880 - Thrice A Week • 240 - Five Times a day • 0 - Never |
retention | string | Specifies the retention policy for backups, indicating the duration for which backups will be kept. The format follows a combination of days (D), weeks (W), and months (M). For example, "5D, 4W, 12M" means backups will be retained for 5 days, 4 weeks, and 12 months. |
appStatus | string | Specifies the status of the configured group. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
totalBackupData | integer | The value of total backup data stored, in bytes. |
lastSuccessfulBackup | date-time | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was successful. |
lastBackupAttempted | date-time | Specifies the EPOCH timestamp indicating the time when the last backup was attempted. |
lastBackupStatus | string | Specifies the status of the last backup attempted, Example - "`Backup Successful " |
statusDetails | string | A string representing an error occurred for the last backup job. For example - "EUSERNOTFOUND " |
teamsEnabled | string | Indicates whether the associated Team is enabled or not. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
storageRegion | string | Specifies the name of the storage assigned. |
plannerEnabled | string | Indicates whether the planner is enabled or not. For example - "Enabled " or "Disabled " |
filters | object | Filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Groups Backup Activity Report
View daily trends & details of all backup activities performed on Groups.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 1601
"fieldName": "groupName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Apoorav Team Site"
"fieldName": "groupEmail",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "[email protected]"
"fieldName": "groupType",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Microsoft 365"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Rohit Patil"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-24T07:40:11.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-24T09:31:26.000Z"
"fieldName": "snapshotSize",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 947937271
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Disabled"
"fieldName": "backupStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Backed Up Successfully"
"fieldName": "filesBackedUp",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"administrator": "Rohit Patil",
"appStatus": "Disabled",
"backupStatus": "Backed Up Successfully",
"endTime": "2024-03-24T09:31:26.000Z",
"filesBackedUp": 0,
"filesMissed": 0,
"groupEmail": "[email protected]",
"groupName": "Apoorav Team Site",
"groupType": "Microsoft 365",
"jobId": 1601,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-03-24T09:31:26.000Z",
"snapshotSize": 947937271,
"startTime": "2024-03-24T07:40:11.000Z"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"value": 1601,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "groupName",
"value": "Apoorav Team Site",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "groupEmail",
"value": "[email protected]",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "groupType",
"value": "Microsoft 365",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"value": "Rohit Patil",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"value": "2024-03-24T07:40:11.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-03-24T09:31:26.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "snapshotSize",
"value": 947937271,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"value": "Disabled",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "backupStatus",
"value": "Backed Up Successfully",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesBackedUp",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:48:40Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of backup activity data for groups. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in UTC. Example: 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z . |
jobId | integer | The unique identifier of the activity stored in the database. |
groupName | string | The name of the group associated with the activity. |
groupEmail | string | The email address of the group associated with the activity. |
groupType | string | The type of the associated group. |
administrator | string | The name of the administrator who triggered the activity. |
startTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
snapshotSize | integer | The total amount of data backed up during the activity, in bytes. |
appStatus | string | The app status of the group associated with the activity. |
backupStatus | string | The backup status of the activity. |
filesBackedUp | integer | The total number of files successfully backed up during the activity. |
filesMissed | integer | The total number of files that failed to back up during the activity. |
filters | object | The filters applied to the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of results. The token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Groups Restore Activity Report
View daily trends & details of all restore activities performed on Groups.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 2701
"fieldName": "groupName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "25104-auto-team-☺"
"fieldName": "groupEmail",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "[email protected]"
"fieldName": "activityType",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Group"
"fieldName": "groupType",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Microsoft 365"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-04-23T14:05:15.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-04-23T14:41:28.000Z"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Rohit Patil"
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 1043665
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Restore Successful"
"fieldName": "snapshotTimestamp",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-11T09:06:58.000Z"
"fieldName": "filesRestored",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"activityType": "Group",
"administrator": "Rohit Patil",
"endTime": "2024-04-23T14:41:28.000Z",
"filesMissed": 0,
"filesRestored": 0,
"groupEmail": "[email protected]",
"groupName": "25104-auto-team-☺",
"groupType": "Microsoft 365",
"jobId": 2701,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-04-23T14:41:28.000Z",
"restoreSize": 1043665,
"restoreStatus": "Restore Successful",
"snapshotTimestamp": "2024-03-11T09:06:58.000Z",
"startTime": "2024-04-23T14:05:15.000Z"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"value": 2701,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "groupName",
"value": "25104-auto-team-☺",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "groupEmail",
"value": "[email protected]",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "activityType",
"value": "Group",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "groupType",
"value": "Microsoft 365",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"value": "2024-04-23T14:05:15.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-04-23T14:41:28.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"value": "Rohit Patil",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"value": 1043665,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"value": "Restore Successful",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "snapshotTimestamp",
"value": "2024-03-11T09:06:58.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesRestored",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:20:47Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of restore activity data for groups. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in UTC. Example: 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z . |
jobId | integer | The unique identifier of the activity stored in the database. |
groupName | string | The name of the group associated with the activity. |
groupEmail | string | The email address of the group associated with the activity. |
activityType | string | The type of activity, indicating whether it is a Group or Conversation . |
groupType | string | The type of the associated group. |
startTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
administrator | string | The name of the administrator who triggered the activity. |
restoreSize | integer | The total amount of data restored, in bytes. |
restoreStatus | string | The status of the restore activity. |
snapshotTimestamp | date-time | The timestamp of the snapshot. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
filesRestored | integer | The total number of files restored as part of the activity. |
filesMissed | integer | The total number of files that failed to back up during the activity. |
filters | object | The filters applied to the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of results. The token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Alert Report
View details like alert types, severities, occurrence dates, and more, along with a summary of generated alerts.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "alertId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 4574
"fieldName": "entity",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "09Oct"
"fieldName": "alertDetails",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Google Shared Drives Backup Failed"
"fieldName": "severity",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Warning"
"fieldName": "isActive",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "No"
"fieldName": "isDeleted",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 1
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"alertDetails": "Google Shared Drives Backup Failed",
"alertId": 4574,
"entity": "09Oct",
"firstOccurrence": "2024-08-20T05:24:12.000Z",
"isActive": "No",
"isDeleted": 1,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-07-17T16:22:49.000Z",
"latestOccurrence": "2024-08-28T07:23:07.000Z",
"severity": "Warning"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "alertId",
"value": 4574,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "entity",
"value": "09Oct",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "alertDetails",
"value": "Google Shared Drives Backup Failed",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "severity",
"value": "Warning",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "isActive",
"value": "No",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "isDeleted",
"value": 1,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:34:53Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of restore activity data for groups. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in UTC. Example: 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z . |
alertId | integer | The unique identifier of the alert stored in the database. |
entity | string | The workload or entity associated with the alert. |
alertDetails | string | The alert details, including status and updated values. |
severity | string | The alert severity level. Possible values: Warning , Critical , High . |
firstOccurrence | date-time | The timestamp of the alert's first occurrence. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
latestOccurrence | date-time | The timestamp of the alert's latest occurrence. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
isActive | string | The alert's active status. Possible values: Yes , No . |
isDeleted | integer | Indicates whether the alert is deleted from the database. |
filters | object | The filters applied to the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of results. The token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
License Usage Report
View the weekly and monthly count of total active and preserved licenses allocated and consumed.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "period",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "month"
"fieldName": "startDate",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"fieldName": "endDate",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-31T23:59:59.000Z"
"fieldName": "usersAdded",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 17
"fieldName": "usersDeleted",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 1
"fieldName": "totalActiveLicense",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 100
"fieldName": "activeLicenseUsed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 3
"fieldName": "totalPreservedLicense",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 20
"fieldName": "preservedLicenseUsed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"activeLicenseUsed": 3,
"endDate": "2024-03-31T23:59:59.000Z",
"period": "month",
"preservedLicenseUsed": 0,
"startDate": "2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"totalActiveLicense": 100,
"totalPreservedLicense": 20,
"usersAdded": 17,
"usersDeleted": 1
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "period",
"value": "month",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startDate",
"value": "2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endDate",
"value": "2024-03-31T23:59:59.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "usersAdded",
"value": 17,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "usersDeleted",
"value": 1,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "totalActiveLicense",
"value": 100,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "activeLicenseUsed",
"value": 3,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "totalPreservedLicense",
"value": 20,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "preservedLicenseUsed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T10:07:24Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
period | string | Records are categorized by duration: week or month. User count variations are segmented based on these periods. |
startDate | date-time | The start date of the specified week or month. |
endDate | date-time | The end date of the specified week or month. |
usersAdded | integer | The number of users added within the specified period. |
usersDeleted | integer | The number of users deleted within the specified period. |
totalActiveLicense | integer | The total number of active licenses within the specified period. |
activeLicenseUsed | integer | The total number of licenses used within the specified period. |
totalPreservedLicense | integer | The total number of preserved licenses allocated within the specified period. |
preservedLicenseUsed | integer | The total number of preserved licenses used within the specified period. |
filters | object | The filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Preserved Users Datasources Report
View details about preserved users across SaaS Apps including consumed workloads, preservation date, and more.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "userName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "abhi singh"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "[email protected]"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 55
"fieldName": "profileName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Default"
"fieldName": "m365LicenseState",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Preserved"
"fieldName": "smbLicenseState",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "No"
"fieldName": "totalBackupData",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "preservedOn",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-08-01T04:34:05.000Z"
"fieldName": "mode",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Manual"
"fieldName": "preserveLicenseAllocated",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 20
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"autoDeleteOn": "-",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-08-01T04:34:05.000Z",
"m365LicenseState": "Preserved",
"mode": "Manual",
"preserveLicenseAllocated": 20,
"preservedOn": "2024-08-01T04:34:05.000Z",
"profileId": 55,
"profileName": "Default",
"smbLicenseState": "No",
"totalBackupData": 0,
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"userName": "abhi singh"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "userName",
"value": "abhi singh",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"value": "[email protected]",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"value": 55,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileName",
"value": "Default",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "m365LicenseState",
"value": "Preserved",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "smbLicenseState",
"value": "No",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "totalBackupData",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "preservedOn",
"value": "2024-08-01T04:34:05.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "mode",
"value": "Manual",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "preserveLicenseAllocated",
"value": 20,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-27T16:30:51Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated timestamp for the record. The time is in UTC. Example: 2019-10-25T00:00:00Z . |
userName | string | The name of the user associated with the workload. |
userEmail | string | The email address of the user associated with the workload. |
profileId | integer | The unique identifier of the profile associated with the user. |
profileName | string | The name of the profile associated with the user. |
m365LicenseState | string | Indicates whether the user is preserved. |
smbLicenseState | string | Indicates whether the user is an SMB user. |
totalBackupData | integer | The total backup data of the user to date. |
preservedOn | date-time | The timestamp when the user was marked as preserved. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
mode | string | The onboarding method for the user. Possible values: Manual , GOOGLEDIRECTORY , AZUREAD , AD/LDAP , SCIM , Upgrade . |
autoDeleteOn | date-time | The timestamp when the user is scheduled for automatic deletion. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
preserveLicenseAllocated | integer | The total number of preserved user licenses allocated to the customer. |
filters | object | The filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Storage Consumption Report
View workload specific storage consumption details and its summary.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "workloadName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "SharePoint"
"fieldName": "resourceCount",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 459
"fieldName": "totalBackupData",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 18384551544
"fieldName": "enabled",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 441
"fieldName": "enabledBackupData",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 17248458766
"fieldName": "disabled",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 18
"fieldName": "disabledBackupData",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 1136092778
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"disabled": 18,
"disabledBackupData": 1136092778,
"enabled": 441,
"enabledBackupData": 17248458766,
"resourceCount": 459,
"totalBackupData": 18384551544,
"workloadName": "SharePoint"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "workloadName",
"value": "SharePoint",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "resourceCount",
"value": 459,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "totalBackupData",
"value": 18384551544,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "enabled",
"value": 441,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "enabledBackupData",
"value": 17248458766,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "disabled",
"value": 18,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "disabledBackupData",
"value": 1136092778,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T10:04:44Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
workloadName | string | The name of the workload for which storage consumption is displayed. |
resourceCount | integer | The total number of resources associated with the workload. |
totalBackupData | integer | The total backup data of all resources associated with the workload. |
enabled | integer | The total number of enabled resources associated with the workload. |
enabledBackupData | integer | The total backup data of all enabled resources associated with the workload. |
disabled | integer | The total number of disabled resources associated with the workload. |
disabledBackupData | integer | The total backup data of all disabled resources associated with the workload. |
filters | object | The filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Users Count & Status Report
View the weekly and monthly count of users added, preserved, and deleted for a specified period.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "period",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "month"
"fieldName": "startDate",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"fieldName": "endDate",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-31T23:59:59.000Z"
"fieldName": "totalUsers",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 16
"fieldName": "totalPreservedUsers",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "userAdded",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 17
"fieldName": "usersDeleted",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 1
"fieldName": "usersPreserved",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"endDate": "2024-03-31T23:59:59.000Z",
"period": "month",
"startDate": "2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"totalPreservedUsers": 0,
"totalUsers": 16,
"userAdded": 17,
"usersDeleted": 1,
"usersPreserved": 0
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "period",
"value": "month",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startDate",
"value": "2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endDate",
"value": "2024-03-31T23:59:59.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "totalUsers",
"value": 16,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "totalPreservedUsers",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "userAdded",
"value": 17,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "usersDeleted",
"value": 1,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "usersPreserved",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T10:06:11Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
period | string | Records are categorized by duration: week or month. User count variations are segmented based on these periods. |
startDate | date-time | The start date of the specified week or month. |
endDate | date-time | The end date of the specified week or month. |
totalUsers | integer | The total number of active users allocated within the specified period. |
totalPreservedUsers | integer | The total number of preserved users allocated within the specified period. |
userAdded | integer | The number of users added within the specified period. |
usersDeleted | integer | The number of users deleted within the specified period. |
usersPreserved | integer | The number of users marked as preserved within the specified period. |
filters | object | The filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
User Last Backup Status Report
View the last backup status and details about backup jobs for user workloads
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "userName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Arfa_DO_NOT_DELETE"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "[email protected]"
"fieldName": "workloadType",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Exchange Online"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 55
"fieldName": "profileName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Default"
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Enabled"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-07-25T07:41:53.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-07-25T07:43:49.000Z"
"fieldName": "itemsBackedUp",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "itemsMissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "lastBackupData",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "lastBackupStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Backup Failed"
"fieldName": "statusDetails",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "EINTERNAL"
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"appStatus": "Enabled",
"endTime": "2024-07-25T07:43:49.000Z",
"itemsBackedUp": 0,
"itemsMissed": 0,
"lastBackupData": 0,
"lastBackupStatus": "Backup Failed",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-09-01T18:08:44.000Z",
"profileId": 55,
"profileName": "Default",
"startTime": "2024-07-25T07:41:53.000Z",
"statusDetails": "EINTERNAL",
"totalBackupData": null,
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"userName": "Arfa_DO_NOT_DELETE",
"workloadType": "Exchange Online"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "userName",
"value": "Arfa_DO_NOT_DELETE",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"value": "[email protected]",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "workloadType",
"value": "Exchange Online",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"value": 55,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileName",
"value": "Default",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"value": "Enabled",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"value": "2024-07-25T07:41:53.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-07-25T07:43:49.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "itemsBackedUp",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "itemsMissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "lastBackupData",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "lastBackupStatus",
"value": "Backup Failed",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "statusDetails",
"value": "EINTERNAL",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:51:58Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
userName | string | The name of the user associated with the workload. |
userEmail | string | The email address of the user associated with the workload. |
workloadType | string | The workload associated with the user. |
profileId | integer | The unique identifier of the profile associated with the user. |
profileName | string | The name of the profile associated with the user. |
appStatus | string | The status of the workload, indicating whether it is Enabled or Disabled. |
startTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
itemsBackedUp | integer | The total number of items successfully backed up in the last backup activity. |
itemsMissed | integer | The total number of items that failed to back up in the last backup activity. |
lastBackupData | integer | The total amount of backup data recorded in the last backup activity, in bytes. |
totalBackupData | integer | The total backup data of the user to date. |
lastBackupStatus | string | The status of the last backup attempt. |
statusDetails | string | Error details for the last backup attempt, if any. |
filters | object | The filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
User Provisioning Report
View user details and their licensed workload storage consumption details
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "userName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "arfaAdmin7102 arfaAdmin7102"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "[email protected]"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 55
"fieldName": "profileName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Default"
"fieldName": "userStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Active"
"fieldName": "m365LicenseState",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
"fieldName": "smbLicenseState",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "No"
"fieldName": "totalBackupData",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "createdOn",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-07-10T14:18:18.000Z"
"fieldName": "managedBy",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Manually"
"fieldName": "mapping",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Manual"
"fieldName": "customAttributeName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
"fieldName": "customAttributeValue",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
"fieldName": "activeLicenseAllocated",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 100
"fieldName": "preservedLicenseAllocated",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 20
"fieldName": "smbLicenseAllocated",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 55
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"activeLicenseAllocated": 100,
"createdOn": "2024-07-10T14:18:18.000Z",
"customAttributeName": "-",
"customAttributeValue": "-",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-08-02T10:24:09.000Z",
"m365LicenseState": "-",
"managedBy": "Manually",
"mapping": "Manual",
"preservedLicenseAllocated": 20,
"profileId": 55,
"profileName": "Default",
"smbLicenseAllocated": 55,
"smbLicenseState": "No",
"totalBackupData": 0,
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"userName": "arfaAdmin7102 arfaAdmin7102",
"userStatus": "Active"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "userName",
"value": "arfaAdmin7102 arfaAdmin7102",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"value": "[email protected]",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"value": 55,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileName",
"value": "Default",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "userStatus",
"value": "Active",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "m365LicenseState",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "smbLicenseState",
"value": "No",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "totalBackupData",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "createdOn",
"value": "2024-07-10T14:18:18.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "managedBy",
"value": "Manually",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "mapping",
"value": "Manual",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "customAttributeName",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "customAttributeValue",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "activeLicenseAllocated",
"value": 100,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "preservedLicenseAllocated",
"value": 20,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "smbLicenseAllocated",
"value": 55,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:43:32Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
userName | string | The name of the user associated with the workload. |
userEmail | string | The email address of the user associated with the workload. |
profileId | integer | The unique identifier of the profile associated with the user. |
profileName | string | The name of the profile associated with the user. |
userStatus | string | The status of the user, indicating whether they are Active or Preserved . |
m365LicenseState | string | The category of the user. Possible values: Active Licensed Users , Preserve Licensed Users . |
smbLicenseState | string | The SMB license state status. Possible values: Yes, No. |
totalBackupData | integer | The total backup data of the user to date. |
createdOn | date-time | The timestamp when the user was first onboarded into the system. Format: YYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
managedBy | string | The onboarding and management method for the user. Possible values: Manually, AD, SCIM, AzureAD, API. |
mapping | string | The name of the profile mapping associated with the user. |
customAttributeName | string | The name of the custom attribute filter. |
customAttributeValue | string | The value of the custom attribute filter. |
activeLicenseAllocated | integer | The total number of active user licenses allocated to the customer. |
preservedLicenseAllocated | integer | The total number of preserved user licenses allocated to the customer. |
smbLicenseAllocated | integer | The total number of SMB licenses allocated to the customer |
filters | object | The filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
User Restore Activity Report
View the status and details of all restore jobs for user workloads
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 48
"fieldName": "userName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "abhinandan singh"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "[email protected]"
"fieldName": "workloadType",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "OneDrive"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 55
"fieldName": "profileName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Profile_pranali"
"fieldName": "restoreMode",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Admin"
"fieldName": "restoreLocation",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Same user account"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-07-31T10:43:31.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-07-31T10:44:04.000Z"
"fieldName": "itemsRestored",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 117
"fieldName": "itemsMissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 130867297
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Restore Successful"
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"endTime": "2024-07-31T10:44:04.000Z",
"itemsMissed": 0,
"itemsRestored": 117,
"jobId": 48,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-07-31T10:44:05.000Z",
"profileId": 55,
"profileName": "Profile_pranali",
"restoreLocation": "Same user account",
"restoreMode": "Admin",
"restoreSize": 130867297,
"restoreStatus": "Restore Successful",
"startTime": "2024-07-31T10:43:31.000Z",
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"userName": "abhinandan singh",
"workloadType": "OneDrive"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"value": 48,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "userName",
"value": "abhinandan singh",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"value": "[email protected]",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "workloadType",
"value": "OneDrive",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"value": 55,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileName",
"value": "Profile_pranali",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreMode",
"value": "Admin",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreLocation",
"value": "Same user account",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"value": "2024-07-31T10:43:31.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-07-31T10:44:04.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "itemsRestored",
"value": 117,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "itemsMissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"value": 130867297,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"value": "Restore Successful",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:52:59Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
jobId | integer | The unique identifier of the activity stored in the database. |
userName | string | The name of the user associated with the workload. |
userEmail | string | The email address of the user associated with the workload. |
workloadType | string | The workload associated with the user. |
profileId | integer | The unique identifier of the profile associated with the user. |
profileName | string | The name of the profile associated with the user. |
restoreMode | string | The restore mode. Possible values: Self, Web, Admin, Mobile. |
restoreLocation | string | The restore location. Possible values: Same user account, Different user account. |
startTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
itemsRestored | integer | The total number of items restored as part of the activity. |
itemsMissed | integer | The total number of items that failed to restore as part of the activity. |
restoreSize | integer | The total amount of data restored, in bytes. |
restoreStatus | string | The status of the restore activity. |
filters | object | The filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
User Workload Report
View backup status, activity logs, and summary for user workloads.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "userName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Arfa_DO_NOT_DELETE"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "[email protected]"
"fieldName": "userPrincipalName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "[email protected]"
"fieldName": "addedOn",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-05-24T14:19:54.000Z"
"fieldName": "workloadType",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "OneDrive"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 55
"fieldName": "profileName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Default"
"fieldName": "preferredDataLocation",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
"fieldName": "storageId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 1000021
"fieldName": "storageName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "[email protected]_us-east-1"
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Enabled"
"fieldName": "totalBackupData",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 1720261
"fieldName": "lastSuccessfulbackup",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-09-01T18:10:28.000Z"
"fieldName": "lastAttemptedBackup",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-09-01T18:10:28.000Z"
"fieldName": "lastBackupStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Backed Up Successfully"
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"addedOn": "2024-05-24T14:19:54.000Z",
"appStatus": "Enabled",
"lastAttemptedBackup": "2024-09-01T18:10:28.000Z",
"lastBackupStatus": "Backed Up Successfully",
"lastSuccessfulbackup": "2024-09-01T18:10:28.000Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-09-02T09:35:20.000Z",
"preferredDataLocation": "-",
"profileId": 55,
"profileName": "Default",
"statusDetails": null,
"storageId": 1000021,
"storageName": "[email protected]_us-east-1",
"totalBackupData": 1720261,
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"userName": "Arfa_DO_NOT_DELETE",
"userPrincipalName": "[email protected]",
"workloadType": "OneDrive"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 500,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "userName",
"value": "Arfa_DO_NOT_DELETE",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "userEmail",
"value": "[email protected]",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "userPrincipalName",
"value": "[email protected]",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "addedOn",
"value": "2024-05-24T14:19:54.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "workloadType",
"value": "OneDrive",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileId",
"value": 55,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "profileName",
"value": "Default",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "preferredDataLocation",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "storageId",
"value": 1000021,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "storageName",
"value": "[email protected]_us-east-1",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"value": "Enabled",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "totalBackupData",
"value": 1720261,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "lastSuccessfulbackup",
"value": "2024-09-01T18:10:28.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "lastAttemptedBackup",
"value": "2024-09-01T18:10:28.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "lastBackupStatus",
"value": "Backed Up Successfully",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:39:53Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
userName | string | The name of the user associated with the workload. |
userEmail | string | The email address of the user associated with the workload. |
userPrincipalName | string | The parent email address of the user if present |
addedOn | date-time | The timestamp when the user was added to the system. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
workloadType | string | The workload associated with the user. |
profileId | integer | The unique identifier of the profile associated with the user. |
profileName | string | The name of the profile associated with the user. |
preferredDataLocation | string | The preferred data location of the user. |
storageId | integer | The unique identifier of the storage associated with the user. |
storageName | string | The name of the storage associated with the user. |
appStatus | string | The status of the drive associated with the activity. |
totalBackupData | integer | The total backup data of the user to date. |
lastSuccessfulbackup | date-time | The timestamp of the last successful backup. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
lastAttemptedBackup | date-time | The timestamp of the last attempted backup. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
lastBackupStatus | string | The status of the last backup attempt. |
statusDetails | string | Error details for the last backup attempt, if any. |
filters | object | The filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Public Folder Backup Activity Report
View daily trends & details of all backup activities performed on Public Folders.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 131186
"fieldName": "publicFolderName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "public_folder_mail_enabled_auto_DND"
"fieldName": "publicFolderPath",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "\\\\public_folder_mail_enabled_auto_DND"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Rohit Patil"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-08-23T10:09:11.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-08-23T10:09:14.000Z"
"fieldName": "filesBackedUp",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "snapshotSize",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Enabled"
"fieldName": "backupStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Backup Failed"
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"administrator": "Rohit Patil",
"appStatus": "Enabled",
"backupStatus": "Backup Failed",
"endTime": "2024-08-23T10:09:14.000Z",
"filesBackedUp": 0,
"filesMissed": 0,
"jobId": 131186,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-08-23T10:09:14.000Z",
"publicFolderName": "public_folder_mail_enabled_auto_DND",
"publicFolderPath": "\\\\public_folder_mail_enabled_auto_DND",
"snapshotSize": 0,
"startTime": "2024-08-23T10:09:11.000Z"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"value": 131186,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "publicFolderName",
"value": "public_folder_mail_enabled_auto_DND",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "publicFolderPath",
"value": "\\\\public_folder_mail_enabled_auto_DND",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"value": "Rohit Patil",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"value": "2024-08-23T10:09:11.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-08-23T10:09:14.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesBackedUp",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "snapshotSize",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"value": "Enabled",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "backupStatus",
"value": "Backup Failed",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:29:28Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
jobId | integer | The unique identifier of the activity stored in the database. |
publicFolderName | string | The name of the public folder associated with the activity. |
publicFolderPath | string | The path of the public folder associated with the activity. |
administrator | string | The name of the administrator who triggered the activity. |
startTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
filesBackedUp | integer | The number of files successfully backed up during the activity. |
filesMissed | integer | The number of files that failed to back up during the activity. |
snapshotSize | integer | The total amount of data backed up during the activity, in bytes. |
appStatus | string | The status of the drive associated with the activity. |
backupStatus | string | The backup status of the activity. |
filters | object | The filters applied to the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of results. The token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Public Folder Restore Activity Report
View daily trends & details of all restore activities performed on Public Folders.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 131268
"fieldName": "publicFolderName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "max_PF"
"fieldName": "publicFolderPath",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "\\\\max_PF"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Rohit Patil"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-08-23T11:14:09.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-08-23T11:15:19.000Z"
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesreStored",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "restoreLocation",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
"fieldName": "restoreOption",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Restore Successful"
"fieldName": "snapshotTimestamp",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-08-23T11:08:56.000Z"
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"administrator": "Rohit Patil",
"endTime": "2024-08-23T11:15:19.000Z",
"filesMissed": 0,
"filesreStored": 0,
"jobId": 131268,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-08-23T11:15:19.000Z",
"publicFolderName": "max_PF",
"publicFolderPath": "\\\\max_PF",
"restoreLocation": "-",
"restoreOption": "-",
"restoreSize": 0,
"restoreStatus": "Restore Successful",
"snapshotTimestamp": "2024-08-23T11:08:56.000Z",
"startTime": "2024-08-23T11:14:09.000Z"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"value": 131268,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "publicFolderName",
"value": "max_PF",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "publicFolderPath",
"value": "\\\\max_PF",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"value": "Rohit Patil",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"value": "2024-08-23T11:14:09.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-08-23T11:15:19.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesreStored",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreLocation",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreOption",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"value": "Restore Successful",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "snapshotTimestamp",
"value": "2024-08-23T11:08:56.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:47:04Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
jobId | integer | The unique identifier of the activity stored in the database. |
publicFolderName | string | The name of the public folder associated with the activity. |
publicFolderPath | string | The path of the public folder associated with the activity. |
administrator | string | The name of the administrator who triggered the activity. |
startTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
restoreSize | integer | The total amount of data restored, in bytes. |
filesreStored | integer | The number of files successfully restored during the activity. |
filesMissed | integer | The number of files that failed to restored during the activity. |
restoreLocation | string | The restore location. Possible values: Same user account, Different user account. |
restoreOption | string | Specifies whether the restore was performed in-place or to a new file. |
restoreStatus | string | The status of the restore activity. |
snapshotTimestamp | date-time | The timestamp of the snapshot. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
filters | object | The filters applied to the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of results. The token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
SharePoint Online Backup Activity Report
View daily trends & details of all restore activities performed on SharePoint sites.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 79831
"fieldName": "siteName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "25104-auto-team-different"
"fieldName": "siteCollectionUrl",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": ""
"fieldName": "administrator",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Rohit Patil"
"fieldName": "starTtime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-08T09:39:09.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-08-26T09:49:04.000Z"
"fieldName": "filesBackedUp",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "snapshotSize",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Disabled"
"fieldName": "backupStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Backup Cancelled"
"fieldName": "statusDetails",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"administrator": "Rohit Patil",
"appStatus": "Disabled",
"backupStatus": "Backup Cancelled",
"endTime": "2024-08-26T09:49:04.000Z",
"filesBackedUp": 0,
"filesMissed": 0,
"jobId": 79831,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-08-26T09:49:04.000Z",
"siteCollectionUrl": "",
"siteName": "25104-auto-team-different",
"snapshotSize": 0,
"starTtime": "2024-03-08T09:39:09.000Z",
"statusDetails": "-"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"value": 79831,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "siteName",
"value": "25104-auto-team-different",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "siteCollectionUrl",
"value": "",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"value": "Rohit Patil",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "starTtime",
"value": "2024-03-08T09:39:09.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-08-26T09:49:04.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesBackedUp",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "snapshotSize",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"value": "Disabled",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "backupStatus",
"value": "Backup Cancelled",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "statusDetails",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:13:24Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
`data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
jobId | integer | The unique identifier of the activity stored in the database. |
siteName | string | The name of the site associated with the activity. |
siteCollectionUrl | string | The URL of the site stored in the database. |
administrator | string | The name of the administrator who triggered the activity. |
starTtime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
filesBackedUp | integer | The number of files successfully backed up during the activity. |
filesMissed | integer | The number of files that failed to back up during the activity. |
snapshotSize | integer | The total amount of data backed up during the activity, in bytes. |
appStatus | string | The status of the drive associated with the activity. |
backupStatus | string | The backup status of the activity. |
statusDetails | string | Error details for the last backup attempt, if any. |
filters | object | The filters applied to the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of results. The token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
SharePoint Online Restore Activity Report
View daily trends & details of all restore activities performed on SharePoint sites.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 79546
"fieldName": "siteName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Druva Data Solutions Pvt. Ltd."
"fieldName": "administrator",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Rohit Patil"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-06T14:23:27.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-08-26T09:49:04.000Z"
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesRestored",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "restoreLocation",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "rp_test"
"fieldName": "restoreOption",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "As a New Site"
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Restored With Errors"
"fieldName": "statusDetails",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
"fieldName": "snapshotTimestamp",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-05T06:12:05.000Z"
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"administrator": "Rohit Patil",
"endTime": "2024-08-26T09:49:04.000Z",
"filesMissed": 0,
"filesRestored": 0,
"jobId": 79546,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-08-26T09:49:04.000Z",
"restoreLocation": "rp_test",
"restoreOption": "As a New Site",
"restoreSize": 0,
"restoreStatus": "Restored With Errors",
"siteName": "Druva Data Solutions Pvt. Ltd.",
"snapshotTimestamp": "2024-03-05T06:12:05.000Z",
"startTime": "2024-03-06T14:23:27.000Z",
"statusDetails": "-"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"value": 79546,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "siteName",
"value": "Druva Data Solutions Pvt. Ltd.",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"value": "Rohit Patil",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"value": "2024-03-06T14:23:27.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-08-26T09:49:04.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesRestored",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreLocation",
"value": "rp_test",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreOption",
"value": "As a New Site",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"value": "Restored With Errors",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "statusDetails",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "snapshotTimestamp",
"value": "2024-03-05T06:12:05.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:55:48Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
jobId | integer | The unique identifier of the activity stored in the database. |
siteName | string | The name of the site associated with the activity. |
administrator | string | The name of the administrator who triggered the activity. |
startTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
restoreSize | integer | The total amount of data restored, in bytes. |
filesRestored | integer | The number of files successfully restored during the activity. |
filesMissed | integer | The number of files that failed to backed up during the activity. |
restoreLocation | string | The restore location. Possible values: Same user account, Different user account. |
restoreOption | string | Specifies whether the restore was performed in-place or to a new file. |
restoreStatus | string | The status of the restore activity. |
statusDetails | string | Error details for the last backup attempt, if any. |
snapshotTimestamp | date-time | The timestamp of the snapshot. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
filters | object | The filters applied to the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of results. The token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Teams Backup Activity Report
View daily trends & details of all backup activities performed on Teams.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 51255
"fieldName": "teamName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Galdiator_Team_Site_DND"
"fieldName": "activityType",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Team Metadata"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Rohit Patil"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-01T11:49:03.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-01T11:50:29.000Z"
"fieldName": "snapshotSize",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 44497
"fieldName": "privacy",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Private"
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Disabled"
"fieldName": "numberOfChannels",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 1
"fieldName": "backupStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Backed Up Successfully"
"fieldName": "filesBackedUp",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"activityType": "Team Metadata",
"administrator": "Rohit Patil",
"appStatus": "Disabled",
"backupStatus": "Backed Up Successfully",
"endTime": "2024-03-01T11:50:29.000Z",
"filesBackedUp": 0,
"filesMissed": 0,
"jobId": 51255,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-03-01T11:50:29.000Z",
"numberOfChannels": 1,
"privacy": "Private",
"snapshotSize": 44497,
"startTime": "2024-03-01T11:49:03.000Z",
"teamName": "Galdiator_Team_Site_DND"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"value": 51255,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "teamName",
"value": "Galdiator_Team_Site_DND",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "activityType",
"value": "Team Metadata",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"value": "Rohit Patil",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"value": "2024-03-01T11:49:03.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-03-01T11:50:29.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "snapshotSize",
"value": 44497,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "privacy",
"value": "Private",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "appStatus",
"value": "Disabled",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "numberOfChannels",
"value": 1,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "backupStatus",
"value": "Backed Up Successfully",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesBackedUp",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesMissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:15:42Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
jobId | integer | The unique identifier of the activity stored in the database. |
teamName | string | The name of the team associated with the activity. |
activityType | string | The type of the team backup activity. Possible values: Team Metadata , Team Conversation . |
administrator | string | The name of the administrator who triggered the activity. |
startTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
snapshotSize | integer | The total amount of data backed up during the activity, in bytes. |
privacy | string | The privacy setting of the team. Possible values: Public, Private, Org-Wide. |
appStatus | string | The status of the application associated with the team. |
numberOfChannels | integer | The number of channels associated with the team. |
backupStatus | string | The backup status of the activity. |
filesBackedUp | integer | The number of files successfully backed up during the activity. |
filesMissed | integer | The number of files that failed to back up during the activity. |
filters | object | Filters applied to the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter is empty for the last page. The token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Teams Restore Activity Report
View daily trends & details of all restore activities performed on Teams.
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --location --globoff '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 52755
"fieldName": "teamName",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "79484-auto-team-☺"
"fieldName": "activityType",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Team Conversation"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-06T12:26:30.000Z"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-06T12:26:51.000Z"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Rohit Patil"
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 9733
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Restore Successful"
"fieldName": "privacy",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "Public"
"fieldName": "snapshotTimestamp",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "2024-03-06T11:34:38.000Z"
"fieldName": "channelsRestored",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "filesmissed",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": 0
"fieldName": "restoreLocation",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
"fieldName": "restoreOption",
"operator": "EQUAL",
"value": "-"
To try out this API, refer API reference.
On the API reference page, select
as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.
Sample responses
"data": [
"activityType": "Team Conversation",
"administrator": "Rohit Patil",
"channelsRestored": 0,
"endTime": "2024-03-06T12:26:51.000Z",
"filesmissed": 0,
"jobId": 52755,
"lastUpdatedTime": "2024-03-06T12:26:51.000Z",
"privacy": "Public",
"restoreLocation": "-",
"restoreOption": "-",
"restoreSize": 9733,
"restoreStatus": "Restore Successful",
"snapshotTimestamp": "2024-03-06T11:34:38.000Z",
"startTime": "2024-03-06T12:26:30.000Z",
"teamName": "79484-auto-team-☺"
"filters": {
"pageSize": 100,
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
"value": "2025-01-07T09:21:35Z",
"operator": "lte"
"fieldName": "jobId",
"value": 52755,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "teamName",
"value": "79484-auto-team-☺",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "activityType",
"value": "Team Conversation",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "startTime",
"value": "2024-03-06T12:26:30.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "endTime",
"value": "2024-03-06T12:26:51.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "administrator",
"value": "Rohit Patil",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreSize",
"value": 9733,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreStatus",
"value": "Restore Successful",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "privacy",
"value": "Public",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "snapshotTimestamp",
"value": "2024-03-06T11:34:38.000Z",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "channelsRestored",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "filesmissed",
"value": 0,
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreLocation",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"fieldName": "restoreOption",
"value": "-",
"operator": "EQUAL"
"lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-12-24T09:44:27Z",
"nextPageToken": ""
Field | Type | Description |
data | array of objects | The collection of site discovery data. |
lastUpdatedTime | date-time | The last updated time stamp for the record. Format: `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ` (UTC). |
jobId | integer | The unique identifier of the activity stored in the database. |
teamName | string | The name of the team associated with the activity. |
activityType | string | The type of the team backup activity. Possible values: Team Metadata , Team Conversation . |
startTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity started. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
endTime | date-time | The timestamp when the activity ended. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
administrator | string | The name of the administrator who triggered the activity. |
restoreSize | integer | The total amount of data restored during the activity, in bytes. |
restoreStatus | string | The restore status of the activity. |
privacy | string | The privacy setting of the team. Possible values: Public, Private, Org-Wide. |
snapshotTimestamp | date-time | The timestamp of the snapshot. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (UTC). |
channelsRestored | integer | The number of channels restored. |
filesmissed | integer | The number of files that failed to restore during the activity. |
restoreLocation | string | The restore location. Possible values: Same user account, Different user account. |
restoreOption | string | Specifies whether the restore was performed in-place or to a new file. |
filters | object | Filters applied on the report. |
nextPageToken | string | The token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes. |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Updated about 1 month ago