Get data governance reports

The reports that provide information on data governance jobs such as non-compliant files, eDiscovery downloads, defensible deletes etc.

eDiscovery download jobs report

This report provides information on eDiscovery download jobs based on the specified filters.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ApiKeyGoesHere' \
--data '
 { "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "status",
                "value": "Successful",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "pageToken": ""   

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select dgeDiscoveryDownloadJobsReport as the report ID under path params to test this endpoint.

Sample HTTP 200 response

    "data": [
            "custodian": "John Doe",
            "custodianEmail": "[email protected]",
            "dataDownloadedInBytes": 37908078,
            "dataSource": "Exchange Online",
            "dataType": "Data and Metadata",
            "downloadClient": "client1_PF_123",
            "downloadLocation": "E:\\Download",
            "endTime": "2024-02-12T09:32:32.000Z",
            "error": "-",
            "fileTypes": "Zip",
            "filesCheckedForDataIntegrity": "NA",
            "filesDownloaded": 35,
            "jobCreatedBy": "Elite CAonly",
            "jobId": 2,
            "legalHold": "LH policy",
            "legalHoldType": "Human Resources",
            "startTime": "2024-02-12T09:21:41.000Z",
            "status": "Successful",
            "totalDataInBytes": "37908078",
            "totalFiles": "35"
    "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "status",
                "value": "Successful",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-07-04T08:34:03Z",
    "nextPageToken": "NWQzMjkzYWEtY2ViMy00Y2QyLWE5YTEtNWYzMmE5MmRmN2Y3"
dataarray of objectsThe collection of eDiscovery download jobs.
custodianstringThe details of the custodian who is under legal hold.
custodianEmailstringThe custodian's email address.
dataDownloadedInBytesintegerThe amount of data that was downloaded.
dataSourcestringThe source from where the client downloaded the data.
dataTypestringThe data type that was download.
downloadClientstringThe inSync client's name that ran the download.
downloadLocationstringThe location on the computer where the client stored the downloaded data.
endTimedate-timeThe timestamp when the download job ended. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z.
errorstringThe errors that the download job ran into.
fileTypesstringThe file type of the downloaded data.
filesCheckedForDataIntegritystringThe list of files that eDiscovery job checked for data integrity.
filesDownloadedintegerThe number of files included in the download.
jobCreatedBystringThe name of the admin who ran the job on Druva Console.
jobIdintegerThe job's identifier.
legalHoldstringThe legal hold policy that the Druva platform used.
legalHoldTypestringThe category used to classify the legal hold policy.
startTimedate-timeThe timestamp when the download job started. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z.
statusstringThe download job's status, such as successful or unsuccessful.
totalDataInBytesintegerThe total amount of data for the eDiscovery job.
totalFilesintegerThe total number of files that Druva platform looked at in the eDiscovery job.
filtersobjectThe filters from the request payload to optimize the endpoint's response.

In this example, the request payload told Druva to return a response that:

- Contains data on 100 download jobs per page
- Only includes jobs that were successful
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp when the API returns the report. The report includes data that the platform has up until this point. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.

Global custodian report

This report provides information on the list of custodians who were put under legal hold.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ApiKeyGoesHere' \
--data '
 { "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "legalHoldType",
                "value": "Information Security",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "pageToken": ""   

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select dgGlobalCustodianReport as the report ID under path params to test this endpoint.

Sample HTTP 200 response

    "data": [
            "addedOn": "2024-05-09T04:25:51.000Z",
            "additionalDataCollection": null,
            "backupData(MB)": "15.81",
            "collectedData(MB)": "-",
            "createdOn": "2024-05-09T04:25:51.000Z",
            "custodian": "QAAutomation 3",
            "customAttributeName": "100041_custom_attr",
            "customAttributeValue": "10000069",
            "dataSource": "OneDrive",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "lastCompletedBackup": "2024-07-03T10:28:29.000Z",
            "lastCompletedCollection": null,
            "legalHold": "last_collected_policy",
            "legalHoldType": "Information Security",
            "systemStateData(MB)": "0.00",
            "totalBackupData(MB)": "30.21",
            "totalCollectedData(MB)": "-",
            "totalSystemStateData(MB)": "0.00",
            "isDeleted": 0
    "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "legalHoldType",
                "value": "Information Security",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-07-04T08:54:11Z",
    "nextPageToken": "MmZhOTBlMGUtMjBhMi00YWEwLWIwNzgtOTMxNzJlM2Y4NGU0"
dataarray of objectsThe list of custodians who were put under legal hold.
addedOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when this custodian was added to a legal hold.
additionalDataCollectionstringWhether additional data collection is enabled or disabled. This field's value is null if additional data collection is not configured for this custodian.
backupData(MB)stringThe size of the data backed up in the last successful backup job for this custodian in mega bytes.
collectedData(MB)stringThe amount of data collected for this custodian during the last additional data collection in megabytes.
createdOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the custodian account was created.
custodianstringThe custodian's name.
customAttributeNamestringThe custom attribute assigned to this user.
customAttributeValuestringThe value of the custom attribute assigned to this custodian.
dataSourcestringThe data source that is under legal hold for this custodian.
emailstringThe custodian's email address.
lastCompletedBackupdate-timeThe UTC timestamp of the last successful backup.
lastCompletedCollectiondate-timeThe UTC timestamp of the last successful additional data collection.
legalHoldstringThe legal hold policy's name that is attached to this custodian.
legalHoldTypestringThe legal hold policy's type.
systemStateData(MB)stringThe amount of system and app settings data backed up for this custodian during the last successful backup in megabytes.
totalBackupData(MB)stringThe amount of data backed up for the custodian, including the data backed up for system and app settings in megabytes.
totalCollectedData(MB)stringThe total amount of data collected for this custodian in megabytes.
totalSystemStateData(MB)stringThe total amount of system and app settings data backed up for this custodian in megabytes.
isDeletedintegerWhether this custodian is deleted or not. 1 means yes, 0 means no.
filtersobjectThe filters from the request payload to optimize the endpoint's response.

In this example, the request payload told Druva to return a response that:

- Contains data on 100 custodians per page
- Only includes custodians for whom legalHoldType is 'Information Security'.
- Only includes custodians that were NOT deleted (isDeleted set to 0)
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp when the API returns the report. The report includes data that the platform has up until this point. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.

Non compliant file report

This report displays a consolidated view of the files that caused compliance violations with respect to the company's policies.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ApiKEyGoesHeRe' \
--data '
 { "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "dataSource",
                "value": "Google Drive",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "pageToken": ""   

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select dgNonCompliantFileReport as the report ID under path params to test this endpoint.

Sample HTTP 200 response

    "data": [
            "additionalComments": null,
            "dataSource": "Google Drive",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "fileModifiedOn": "2024-06-04T09:35:50.000Z",
            "fileName": "09_ms_office_ppt.pptx",
            "filePath": "/Documents/09_ms_office_ppt.pptx",
            "fileType": "MS Office Documents",
            "pendingActions": "-",
            "policyViolation": "OFFICE new",
            "resolutionDetails": "Quarantined",
            "resolvedOn": "2024-06-20 08:50:27",
            "sensitiveDataFound": "all star",
            "severity": "Critical",
            "userComments": null,
            "userName": "John Doe",
            "userResolution": "-",
            "violationReportedOn": "2024-06-20T07:30:43.000Z",
            "isDeleted": 0
    "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "dataSource",
                "value": "Google Drive",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-07-04T09:09:20Z",
    "nextPageToken": "ZTcxNjdmMjItZDc3YS00OTU3LTk3MjktZjJmY2M0ZDUxNTY3"
dataarray of objectsThe list of files that violate compliance guidelines.
additionalCommentsstringThe additional information about the violation.
dataSourcestringData source on which the file resides. For example, Google Drive.
emailstringThe user's email ID whose file violated compliance requirements.
fileModifiedOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the file was last modified.
filePathstringThe file path from the specified endpoint.
fileTypestringThe file's type.
pendingActionsstringThe non-Compliant files on which no action is taken.
policyViolationstringThe policy's name that this file violates.
resolutionDetailsstringThe details of the resolution of the file violation. For example, Quarantined or marked as Acceptable Risk.
resolvedOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the file violation was resolved.
sensitiveDataFoundstringThe type of sensitive data that is found in the file.
severitystringThe violation's severity.
userCommentsstringThe comments on the violation.
userNamestringThe user's name whose data violates the compliance requirements.
userResolutionstringThe details on the actions taken to resolve the compliance violation.
violationReportedOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when Druva finds the violation in the file.
isDeletedintegerWhether the violation is deleted or not. 1 means yes. 0 means no.
filtersobjectThe filters from the request payload to optimize the endpoint's response.

In this example, the request payload told Druva to return a response that:

- Contains 100 violations per page
- Only includes files that are stored on Google Drive
- Only includes file violations that were NOT deleted (isDeleted set to 0)
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp when the API returns the report. The report includes data that the platform has up until this point. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.

Archived non compliant report

This report displays a consolidated view of the archived file violations.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ApiKeyGoesHere' \
--data '
 { "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "userName",
                "value": "John Doe",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "pageToken": ""   

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select dgArchivedNonCompliantFileReport as the report ID under path params to test this endpoint.

Sample HTTP 200 response

    "data": [
            "additionalComments": "This file was auto archived by violation management policy.",
            "archivedOn": "2024-04-12T12:37:34.000Z",
            "dataSource": "OneDrive",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "fileExtension": "XLSX",
            "fileModifiedOn": "2024-03-12T05:16:39.000Z",
            "fileName": "Excel_native_reports.xlsx",
            "filePath": "/Documents/subfolder1/Excel_native_reports.xlsx",
            "fileType": "MS Office Documents",
            "policyViolation": "office",
            "resolutionDetails": "Auto Archived by Violation Management Settings",
            "sensitiveDataFound": "01SD_allstar",
            "severity": "Critical",
            "userName": "John Doe",
            "violationReportedOn": "2024-03-12T05:47:02.000Z",
            "isDeleted": 0
    "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "userName",
                "value": "John Doe",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-07-04T08:59:39Z",
    "nextPageToken": "NWQzMjkzYWEtY2ViMy00Y2QyLWE5YTEtNWYzMmE5MmRmN2Y3"
dataarray of objectsThe list of compliance violations that were archived.
additionalCommentsstringAdditional information about the violation.
archivedOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the file violation was archived.
dataSourcestringThe name of the data source where the file resides.
emailstringThe email ID of the user whose file caused compliance violation.
fileExtensionstringThe file's extension that caused the compliance violation.
fileModifiedOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the file was last modified.
fileNamestringThe file's name.
filePathstringThe file's location on the endpoint.
fileTypestringThe file's type.
policyViolationstringThe policy's name that this file violates.
resolutionDetailsstringThe resolution of the file violation. For example, Auto Resolved or marked as Acceptable Risk.
sensitiveDataFoundstringThe type of sensitive data that is found in the file.
severitystringThe violation's severity.
userNamestringThe name of the user whose file violated the compliance requirements.
violationReportedOndate-timeThe timestamp when the violation was reported.
isDeletedintegerWhether the archived violation is deleted or not. 1 means yes. 0 means no.
filtersobjectThe filters from the request payload to optimize the endpoint's response.

In this example, the request payload told Druva to return a response that:

- Contains 100 archived violations per page
- Only includes violations that were reported for the user whose userName is 'John Doe'.
- Only includes archived violations that were NOT deleted (isDeleted set to 0)
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp when the API returns the report. The report includes data that the platform has up until this point. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.

Non compliant email report

This report displays a consolidated view of emails that caused violations of the company's compliance policies.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ApiKeyGoesHere' \
--data-raw '
 { "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "from",
                "value": "[email protected]",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "pageToken": ""   

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select dgNonCompliantEmailReport as the report ID under path params to test this endpoint.

Sample HTTP 200 response

    "data": [
            "additionalComments": null,
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "emailPath": "June 3 folder 1",
            "emailSentReceivedTime": "2019-06-03T06:37:08.000Z",
            "from": "[email protected]",
            "pendingActions": "Pending on user",
            "policyViolation": "new policy by cloud admin",
            "resolutionDetails": "-",
            "resolvedOn": "-",
            "sensitiveDataFound": "Confidential Document Markers",
            "severity": "Critical",
            "subject": "june 3 meeting update",
            "to": "[email protected],[email protected]",
            "userComments": null,
            "userName": "John Doe",
            "userResolution": "-",
            "violationReportedOn": "2024-06-12T04:10:33.000Z",
            "isDeleted": 0
    "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "from",
                "value": "[email protected]",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-07-04T09:19:07Z",
    "nextPageToken": "NWQzMjkzYWEtY2ViMy00Y2QyLWE5YTEtNWYzMmE5MmRmN2Y3"
dataarray of objectsThe list of emails that caused compliance violations.
additionalCommentsstringAdditional information about the violation.
emailstringThe email ID of the user whose email caused compliance violation.
emailPathstringThe location where this email is stored.
emailSentReceivedTimedate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the email was sent or received.
fromstringThe sender's email address.
pendingActionsstringNon-compliant emails on which no action is taken.
policyViolationstringThe compliance policy's name that this email violates.
resolutionDetailsstringThe resolution of the email violation. For example, Auto Resolved or marked as Acceptable Risk.
resolvedOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the violation was resolved.
sensitiveDataFoundstringThe type of sensitive data that is found in the email.
severitystringThe violation's severity.
subjectstringThe subject of the email.
tostringReceiver's email address.
userCommentsstringThe user's comments about the violation.
userNamestringThe user whose email caused the compliance violation.
userResolutionstringThe details of the action that the user took on the non-compliant email.
violationReportedOndate-timeThe timestamp when the violation was reported.
isDeletedintegerWhether the violation is deleted or not. 1 means yes. 0 means no.
filtersobjectThe filters from the request payload to optimize the endpoint's response.

In this example, the request payload told Druva to return a response that:

- Contains 100 archived violations per page
- Only includes emails that were from [email protected].
- Only includes email violations that were NOT deleted (isDeleted set to 0)
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp when the API returns the report. The report includes data that the platform has up until this point. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.

Archived non-compliant email report

This report displays a consolidated view of archived email violations.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ApiKeyGoesHere' \
--data '
 { "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "policyViolation",
                "value": "Gmail policy",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "pageToken": ""   

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select dgArchivedNonCompliantEmailReport as the report ID under path params to test this endpoint.

Sample HTTP 200 response

    "data": [
            "additionalComments": "This email was auto archived by violation management policy.",
            "archivedOn": "2024-06-18 15:38:43",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "emailPath": "22 june email",
            "emailSentReceivedTime": "2024-06-05T05:25:15.000Z",
            "from": "[email protected]",
            "policyViolation": "Gmail policy",
            "resolutionDetails": "Auto Archived by Violation Management Settings",
            "sensitiveDataFound": "01SD_allstar",
            "severity": "Critical",
            "subject": "minutes of meeting 22 june",
            "to": "[email protected]",
            "userName": "John Doe",
            "violationReportedOn": "2024-06-11T04:00:44.000Z",
            "isDeleted": 0
    "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "policyViolation",
                "value": "Gmail policy",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-06-18T16:21:30Z",
    "nextPageToken": "NGQ5MDAzZjQtYTNjYi00NmI2LTk3NzgtMzk0NTExMTU0MDc4"
dataarray of objectsThe list of compliance violations that were archived.
additionalCommentsstringAdditional information about the violation.
archivedOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the violation was archived.
emailstringThe email ID of the user whose email caused compliance violation.
emailPathstringThe location where this email is stored.
emailSentReceivedTimedate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the email was sent or received.
fromstringThe sender's email address.
policyViolationstringThe policy's name that this email violates.
resolutionDetailsstringThe resolution of the violation. For example, Auto Resolved or marked as Acceptable Risk.
sensitiveDataFoundstringThe type of sensitive data that is found in the email.
severitystringThe violation's severity.
subjectstringThe subject of the email.
tostringThe receiver's email address.
userNamestringThe user whose email caused the violation.
violationReportedOndate-timeThe timestamp when the violation was reported.
isDeletedintegerWhether the archived violation is deleted or not. 1 means yes. 0 means no.
filtersobjectThe filters from the request payload to optimize the endpoint's response.

In this example, the request payload told Druva to return a response that:

- Contains 100 archived violations per page
- Only includes violations where policyViolation is 'Gmail Policy'.
- Only includes email violations that were NOT deleted (isDeleted set to 0)
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp when the API returns the report. The report includes data that the platform has up until this point. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.

Defensible delete for files report

This report displays a consolidated view of the defensible deletes that admins ran to remove user files.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ApiKeyGoesHere' \
--data '
 { "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "adminName",
                "value": "Ernie Carter",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "pageToken": ""   

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select dgDefensibleDeleteForFilesReport as the report ID under path params to test this endpoint.

Sample HTTP 200 response

    "data": [
            "actionTaken": "Deleted from Source & Snapshot",
            "actionTakenOn": "2024-03-12T06:49:35.000Z",
            "adminEmail": "[email protected]",
            "adminName": "Ernie Carter",
            "dataSource": "OneDrive",
            "deletedFromSnapshot": "Success",
            "deletedFromSource": "Success",
            "feature": "Sensitive Data Governance",
            "filePath": "Documents/Deleted Files - 240305052546691.csv",
            "modificationTime": "2024-03-12T05:15:29.000Z",
            "size": 16285,
            "userEmail": "[email protected]",
            "userName": "John Doe",
            "isDeleted": 0
    "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "adminName",
                "value": "Ernie Carter",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-07-04T09:39:27Z",
    "nextPageToken": "NGQ5MDAzZjQtYTNjYi00NmI2LTk3NzgtMzk0NTExMTU0MDc4"
dataarray of objectsList of defensible delete jobs.
actionTakenOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the admin ran the defensible delete job.
adminEmailstringThe administrator's email ID who ran the defensible delete job.
adminNamestringThe administrator's name.
dataSourcestringThe data source (a device or a SaaS app such as OneDrive in this example.)
deletedFromSnapshotstringIndicates whether the file was successfully deleted from the snapshot.
Its value can be either Success, Processing, or Failure.
deletedFromSourcestringIndicates whether the file was successfully deleted from source.
Its value can be either Success, Processing, or Failure.
featurestringThe Druva functionality that was used to run this job. This can be either Sensitive Data Governance or Federated Search.
filePathstringThe file's location.
modificationTimedate-timeThe last time when the file was modified.
sizeintegerThe total size of the file in KBs.
userEmailstringThe user's email who owns this file.
userNamestringThe user's name who owns this file.
isDeletedintegerWhether this job is deleted or not. 1 means yes. 0 means no.
filtersobjectThe filters from the request payload to optimize the endpoint's response.

In this example, the request payload told Druva to return a response that:

- Contains a list of 100 defensible delete jobs per page.
- Only includes the list of jobs where adminName is 'Ernie Carter'.
- Only includes jobs that were NOT deleted (isDeleted set to 0)
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp when the API returns the report. The report includes data that the platform has up until this point. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.

Defensible delete for emails report

This report displays a consolidated view of the deleted emails.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ApiKeyGoesHere' \
--data '
 { "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "feature",
                "value": "Federated Search",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "pageToken": ""   

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select dgDefensibleDeleteForEmailsReport as the report ID under path params to test this endpoint.

Sample HTTP 200 response

    "data": [
            "actionTaken": "Deleted from Source & Snapshot",
            "actionTakenOn": "2024-06-07T09:52:43.000Z",
            "adminEmail": "[email protected]",
            "adminName": "Ernie Carter",
            "attachmentName": "Screenshot 2020-01-29 at 3.58.09 PM.png",
            "attachmentSize": "52650",
            "bcc": "[email protected]",
            "cc": "[email protected]",
            "dataSource": "Exchange Online",
            "deletedFromSnapshot": "Processing",
            "deletedFromSource": "Processing",
            "displayPath": "Alert from Druva inSync. Restore Status - यूज़र१.eml",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "feature": "Federated Search",
            "from": "[email protected]",
            "sendReceiveTime": "2017-04-18T08:48:48.000Z",
            "subject": "Alert from Druva inSync",
            "to": "[email protected]",
            "userName": "John Doe",
            "isDeleted": 0
    "filters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "filterBy": [
                "fieldName": "feature",
                "value": "Federated Search",
                "operator": "EQUAL"
                "fieldName": "isDeleted",
                "value": 0,
                "operator": "EQUAL"
    "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-07-04T09:44:46Z",
    "nextPageToken": "NGQ5MDAzZjQtYTNjYi00NmI2LTk3NzgtMzk0NTExMTU0MDc4"
dataarray of objectsList of defensible delete jobs.
actionTakenOndate-timeThe UTC timestamp when the admin ran the defensible delete job.
adminEmailstringThe administrator's email ID who ran the defensible delete job.
adminNamestringThe administrator's name.
attachmentNamestringThe file that was attached to this email.
attachmentSizestringThe total size of the file in KBs.
bccstringThe email address(es) in the BCC field.
ccstringThe email address(es) in the CC field.
dataSourcestringThe data source ('Exchange Online' in this example.)
deletedFromSnapshotstringIndicates whether the file was successfully deleted from the snapshot.
Its value can be either Success, Processing, or Failure.
deletedFromSourcestringIndicates whether the file was successfully deleted from source.
Its value can be either Success, Processing, or Failure.
displayPathstringThe email's location.
featurestringThe Druva functionality that was used to run this job. This can be either Sensitive Data Governance or Federated Search.
fromstringSender's email address.
sendReceiveTimedate-timeThe UTC time when the email was sent or was received.
subjectstringThe email's subject
tostringThe receiver's email address.
isDeletedintegerWhether this job is deleted or not. 1 means yes. 0 means no.
filtersobjectThe filters from the request payload to optimize the endpoint's response.

In this example, the request payload told Druva to return a response that:

- Contains a list of 100 defensible delete jobs per page.
- Only includes the list of jobs where feature is 'Federated Search'.
- Only includes jobs that were NOT deleted (isDeleted set to 0)
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp when the API returns the report. The report includes data that the platform has up until this point. The time is in the UTC time zone. Example - 2019-10-26T00:00:00Z
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.