Get reports on enterprise workloads

The reports that provide data on enterprise workloads such as virtual machines and databases.

View alert history report

This report provides a view of alerts details as per severity and type.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --data '
  "filters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "filterBy": [
        "fieldName": "severity",
        "operator": "EQUAL",
        "value": "string"
  "pageToken": ""

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select ewAlertHistory as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.

Sample responses

  "data": [
      "generated": "2023-06-05T08:22:48.968Z",
      "description": "Backup failed",
      "target": "",
      "resolved": "3",
      "alertType": "Jobs",
      "severity": "Warning",
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-06-06T08:22:48.968Z",
      "organization": "Default Organization"
  "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-03-28T06:59:06.590Z",
  "filters": {},
  "nextPageToken": "YTBDNDk6Rjk1MmViY1FpTVpBejNFTU9lSWxzUT09OjA="
dataarray of objectsThe collection of alerts.
generateddate-timeThe date and time, in UTC format, when the alerts were first triggered.
descriptionstringThe details of the generated alert.
targetstringThe resource for which the alert was triggered.
resolvedstringThe number of resolved alerts.
alertTypestringThe type of alert generated. For example, Jobs.
severitystringThe severity of the alert. For example, Critical, Info, Warning, and so on.
lastUpdatedTimedate-timeThe last updated time of a report, in the UTC format.
organizationstringThe name of the organization.
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp of the report data, in UTC format.
filtersobjectThe filters applied on the report.
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.
  "code": "string",
  "data": {
    "additionalProp": {}
  "message": "string",
  "retryable": true
codestringError code.
dataobjectData of the error.
messagestringError message.
retryablebooleanCan retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.)

View disaster recovery replication activity report

This report provides a consolidated view of DR restore jobs based on the status and details of all replications.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --data '
  "filters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "filterBy": [
        "fieldName": "lastUpdatedTime",
        "operator": "GTE",
        "value": "string"
  "pageToken": ""

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select ewDisasterRecoveryReplicationActivity as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.

Sample responses

  "data": [
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-06-05T08:37:28.593Z",
      "ended": "2023-06-04T01:37:28.593Z",
      "started": "2023-06-04T08:37:28.593Z",
      "scheduled": "2023-06-05T09:37:28.593Z",
      "jobID": 101,
      "details": "Update DR Copy Successfully",
      "awsAccountAndRegion": "",
      "status": "Failed",
      "vm": "Windows_2K12_uefi_R2",
      "drPlanName": "Lin",
      "organization": "Default Organization"
  "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-03-28T06:59:06.590Z",
  "filters": {},
  "nextPageToken": "YTBDNDk6Rjk1MmViY1FpTVpBejNFTU9lSWxzUT09OjA="
dataarray of objectsThe collection of DR job summaries.
lastUpdatedTimedate-timeThe last updated time of a report, in the UTC format.
endeddate-timeThe date and time when the DR Replication ended.
starteddate-timeThe date and time when the DR Replication first occurred.
scheduleddate-timeThe time and date when the DR Replication restore is scheduled.
jobIDintegerThe unique identification number of the DR Replication job.
detailsstringThe details of the DR Replication Job. For example, Cancelled.
awsAccountAndRegionstringThe name of the AWS account and region.
statusstringThe status of the DR Replication Job. For example, Cancelled, Failed, and Successful.
vmstringThe name of the virtual machine.
drPlanNamestringThe name of the DR Plan.
organizationstringThe name of the organization.
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp of the report data, in UTC format.
filtersobjectThe filters applied on the report.
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.
  "code": "string",
  "data": {
    "additionalProp": {}
  "message": "string",
  "retryable": true
codestringError code.
dataobjectData of the error.
messagestringError message.
retryablebooleanCan retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.)

View admin audit trails report

This report provides critical changes performed by all administrators with detailed logs of each activity.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --data '
  "filters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "filterBy": [
        "fieldName": "sourceIP",
        "operator": "EQUAL",
        "value": "string"
  "pageToken": ""

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select ewAdminAuditTrails as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.

Sample responses

  "data": [
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-06-03T08:50:40.124Z",
      "sourceIP": "",
      "organization": "org-1",
      "resourceType": "MS-SQL",
      "entityName": "WIN-IJNTIA99OCV#bset1",
      "entityType": "Backup Set",
      "actionName": "Restore to Original",
      "administrator": "",
      "actionDetails": [
        "Backup Policy"
  "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-03-29T07:53:06.977Z",
  "filters": {},
  "nextPageToken": "YTBDNDk6Rjk1MmViY1FpTVpBejNFTU9lSWxzUT09OjA="
dataarray of objectsThe collection of admin audit trail reports.
lastUpdatedTimedate-timeThe last updated time of a report, in the UTC format.
sourceIPstringA unique address that identifies a device on the Internet.
organizationstringThe name of the organization.
resourceTypestringThe type of resource associated with the entity. For example, Files, MS-SQL, CloudCache, VMware, and so on.
entityNamestringThe name of the resource on which the administrator performed the action.
entityTypestringThe type of the resource on which the administrator performed the action. For example, Admin Group, Backup Set, Billing Cost Code, Admin, and so on.
actionNamestringThe action performed by the administrator. For example, Create, Update, Delete, Login, Backup Now, and so on.
administratorstringEmail of the administrator who performed the action.
actionDetailsstringThe details of the action performed by administrator.
lastSyncTimestampstringTime stamp of the report data, in UTC format.
filtersobjectThe filters applied on the report.
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.
  "code": "string",
  "data": {
    "additionalProp": {}
  "message": "string",
  "retryable": true
codestringError code.
dataobjectData of the error.
messagestringError message.
retryablebooleanCan retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.)

View restore activity report

This report provides a comprehensive list of all restore operations of the workloads performed for a specified.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --data '
  "filters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "filterBy": [
        "fieldName": "jobID",
        "operator": "EQUAL",
        "value": 0
  "pageToken": ""

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select ewRestoreActivity as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.

Sample responses

  "data": [
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-06-03T09:05:35.866Z",
      "ended": "2023-06-04T04:05:35.866Z",
      "started": "2023-06-04T03:05:35.866Z",
      "scheduled": "2023-06-05T09:05:35.866Z",
      "jobID": 1011,
      "details": "Restore completed successfully",
      "status": "Successful",
      "dataSelectedForRestore": "20971520",
      "destinationServer": "server_12.16.73.21",
      "source": "",
      "restoreLocation": "/auto_restore_0WUZWS",
      "administrativeGroup": "admin_org_2",
      "organization": "org_2",
      "workloads": "Files"
  "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-03-29T07:53:06.977Z",
  "filters": {},
  "nextPageToken": "YTBDNDk6Rjk1MmViY1FpTVpBejNFTU9lSWxzUT09OjA="
dataarray of objectsThe collection of restore activities.
lastUpdatedTimedate-timeThe last updated time of a report, in the UTC format.
endeddate-timeThe timestamp when the restore operation was completed.
starteddate-timeThe timestamp when the restore operation started.
scheduleddate-timeThe scheduled timestamp of the restore operation for the server.
jobIDintegerThe unique identification number associated with the restore job.
detailsstringThe details of the restore job.
statusstringThe status of the restore job.
dataSelectedForRestorestringThe name of the snapshot or the folder selected for restore.
destinationServerstringThe name of the destination server or virtual machine on which data was restored.
sourcestringThe server or virtual machine on which a restore was initiated.
restoreLocationstringThe location on the destination server or destination hypervisor and data store where the data was restored.
adminstrativeGroupstringThe name of the administrative group of the workload.
organizationstringThe name of the organization under which the workload is configured.
workloadsstringThe name of the workload associated with the job. Example- Files, OracleSBT.
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp of the report data, in UTC format.
filtersobjectThe filters applied on the report.
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.
  "code": "string",
  "data": {
    "additionalProp": {}
  "message": "string",
  "retryable": true
codestringError code.
dataobjectData of the error.
messagestringError message.
retryablebooleanCan retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.)

View disaster recovery failover activity report

This report provides a consolidated view of DR failover job completion summary as per the status and details of all DR failovers.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --data '
  "filters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "filterBy": [
        "fieldName": "severity",
        "operator": "EQUAL",
        "value": "string"
  "pageToken": ""

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select ewDisasterRecoveryFailoverActivity as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.

Sample responses

  "data": [
      "generated": "2023-06-05T08:22:48.968Z",
      "description": "Backup failed",
      "target": "",
      "resolved": "3",
      "alertType": "Jobs",
      "severity": "Warning",
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-06-06T08:22:48.968Z",
      "organization": "Default Organization"
  "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-03-29T08:33:41.748Z",
  "filters": {},
  "nextPageToken": "YTBDNDk6Rjk1MmViY1FpTVpBejNFTU9lSWxzUT09OjA="
dataarray of objectsThe collection of disaster recovery failover activities.
generateddate-timeThe date and time, in UTC format, when the alerts were first triggered.
descriptionstringThe details of the generated alert.
targetstringThe resource for which the alert was triggered.
resolvedstringThe number of resolved alerts.
alertTypestringThe type of alert generated. For example, Jobs.
severitystringThe severity of the alert. For example, Critical, Info, Warning, and so on.
lastUpdatedTimedate-timeThe last updated time of a report, in the UTC format.
organizationstringThe name of the organization.
lastSyncTimestampstringTime stamp of the report data, in UTC format.
filtersobjectThe filters applied on the report.
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.
  "code": "string",
  "data": {
    "additionalProp": {}
  "message": "string",
  "retryable": true
codestringError code.
dataobjectData of the error.
messagestringError message.
retryablebooleanCan retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.)

View resource status report

This report provides a consolidated and point-in-time status and details of all resources and associated backup sets.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "filters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "filterBy": [
        "fieldName": "backupsetType",
        "operator": "EQUAL",
        "value": "string"
  "pageToken": ""

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select ewResourceStatus as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.

Sample responses

  "data::": [
      "backupEnabled": "Yes",
      "backupsetType": "Files",
      "clientVersion": "6.2.0",
      "osVersion": "Windows-2012Server-6.2.9200-SP0 (64bit)",
      "resourceName": "spryiq_Win2k12-Client2",
      "backupset": "spryiq_Win2k12-Client2#bset6",
      "administrativeGroup": "admin_org-1",
      "organization": "org-1",
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-06-03T02:22:34.383Z",
      "timezone": "Asia/Calcutta",
      "backupContent": "Backup Folders- All Folders"
  "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-03-29T08:33:41.748Z",
  "filters": {},
  "nextPageToken": "YTBDNDk6Rjk1MmViY1FpTVpBejNFTU9lSWxzUT09OjA="
dataarray of objectsThe collection of resource statuses.
backupEnabledstringThe status of the backup set, whether it is enabled for backup.
backupsetTypestringThe type of the backup set created for the resource. For example, Files, VMware, etc.
clientVersionstringThe version of the agent installed.
osVersionstringThe version of the operating system of the resource.
resourceVersionstringThe name of the resource configured for backup.
backupsetstringThe name of the backup set associated with the resource.
administrativeGroupstringThe name of the administrative group of the workload.
organizationstringThe name of the organization.
lastUpdatedTimedate-timeThe last updated time of a report, in the UTC format.
timezonestringThe timezone of the account.
backupContentstringDetails of the files included in & excluded from the backup.
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp of the report data, in UTC format.
filtersobjectThe filters applied on the report.
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.
  "code": "string",
  "data": {
    "additionalProp": {}
  "message": "string",
  "retryable": true
codestringError code.
dataobjectData of the error.
messagestringError message.
retryablebooleanCan retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.)

View disaster recovery failback activity report

This report provides details of the failback jobs triggered for the failed over EC2 instances in the organization.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --data '
  "filters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "filterBy": [
        "fieldName": "jobID",
        "operator": "EQUAL",
        "value": 0
  "pageToken": ""

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select ewDisasterRecoveryFailbackActivity as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.

Sample responses

  "data": [
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-06-03T05:56:35.093Z",
      "ended": "2023-06-03T09:56:35.093Z",
      "started": "2023-06-03T07:56:35.093Z",
      "jobID": 1001,
      "details": "Cancelled",
      "destinationVCenterESXi": "",
      "organization": "org-1",
      "drPlanName": "Lin"
  "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-03-29T08:33:41.748Z",
  "filters": {},
  "nextPageToken": "YTBDNDk6Rjk1MmViY1FpTVpBejNFTU9lSWxzUT09OjA="
dataarray of objectsThe collection of DR failback activities.
lastUpdatedTimedate-timeThe last updated time of a report, in the UTC format.
endeddate-timeThe date and time when the DR Failback ended.
starteddate-timeThe date and time when the DR Failback first occurred.
jobIDintegerThe unique identification number of the DR Failback job.
detailsstringThe details of the DR Failback Job. For example, Cancelled.
destinationVCenterESXistringThe destination of the vCenter/ESXi setup where the instance must failback.
organizationstringThe name of the organization.
drPlanNamestringThe name of the DR Plan.
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp of the report data, in UTC format.
filtersobjectThe filters applied on the report.
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.
  "code": "string",
  "data": {
    "additionalProp": {}
  "message": "string",
  "retryable": true
codestringError code.
dataobjectData of the error.
messagestringError message.
retryablebooleanCan retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.)

View backup activity report

This report provides a comprehensive list of all backup operations performed for resources of the workloads configured in the organizations.


Sample cURL request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --data '
  "filters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "filterBy": [
        "fieldName": "jobID",
        "operator": "EQUAL",
        "value": 0
  "pageToken": ""

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select ewBackupActivity as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.

Sample responses

  "data": [
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-06-04T10:05:18.493Z",
      "ended": "2023-06-04T01:05:18.493Z",
      "started": "2023-06-04T03:05:18.493Z",
      "scheduled": "2023-06-05T10:05:18.493Z",
      "jobID": 668,
      "workloads": "Files",
      "status": "Successful",
      "backupPolicy": "BackupPolicy1org2",
      "backupType": "Full",
      "resourceType": "SQL Standalone Instance",
      "vm": "NA",
      "backupMethod": "Incremental",
      "backupContent": "Backup Folders: ['E:\\backup\\File31']",
      "scanType": "Full",
      "backupSet": "WIN-L8HL4FNA0KB#bset2",
      "administrativeGroup": "group-1",
      "organization": "org-1",
      "details": "Backup completed successfully",
      "deviceName": "NA"
  "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-03-29T08:33:41.748Z",
  "filters": {},
  "nextPageToken": "YTBDNDk6Rjk1MmViY1FpTVpBejNFTU9lSWxzUT09OjA="
dataarray of objectsThe collection of backup activities.
lastUpdatedTimedate-timeThe last updated time of a report, in the UTC format.
endeddate-timeThe time when the backup operation finished.
starteddate-timeThe time when the backup operation started.
scheduleddate-timeThe backup schedule defined for the backup set.
jobIDintegerThe unique identification number associated with the backup job.
workloadsstringThe name of the workload to which the backup set belongs. For example Files, OracleDTC.
statusstringThe status of the backup job.
backupPolicystringThe backup policy associated with the resource.
backupTypestringThe backup type for virtual machines and SQL servers.
resourceTypestringThe SQL resource type, such as SQL Standalone Instance or SQL Availability Group.
vmstringThe name of the virtual machine, backup mount name, or NAS device that has been backed up.
backupMethodstringThe backup method used for Oracle databases, such as Full, Incremental, or Archive Logs.
backupContentstringThe content rule or the custom content applied to the resource for backup. For Oracle and MS-SQL Servers, this field displays the number of databases included in the backup.
scanTypestringThe type of scans, such as the Smart scan or the Full scan.
backupSetstringThe name of the backup set associated with the backup policy.
adminstrativeGroupstringThe name of the administrative group of the workload.
organizationstringThe name of the organization in which the workload is configured.
detailsstringThe details of the job.
deviceNamestringThe device name in Phoenix. Example - Ernie Carter's Macbook
lastSyncTimestampdate-timeTime stamp of the report data, in UTC format.
filtersobjectThe filters applied on the report.
nextPageTokenstringThe token to access the next page of results. This parameter will be empty for the last page of the results. This token is valid for 5 minutes.
  "code": "string",
  "data": {
    "additionalProp": {}
  "message": "string",
  "retryable": true
codestringError code.
dataobjectData of the error.
messagestringError message.
retryablebooleanCan retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.)

View storage consumption by backup sets report

This report lists the backup set wise storage consumption details for individual resources in the organization.


Request type


Sample cURL request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --data '
  "filters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "filterBy": [
        "fieldName": "organization",
        "operator": "LT",
        "value": "string"
  "pageToken": ""

To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.



On the API reference page, select ewStorageConsumptionbyBackupSets as the report ID under path params to test this API endpoint.

Sample responses

  "data": [
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-06-04T10:05:18.493Z",
      "currentSource": "14.74MB",
      "estimatedStorage": "10.53MB",
      "sourceChanges": "14.74MB",
      "storageSourceReductionFactor": "fsnasst(1.4x)",
      "backupPolicy": "BackupPolicy1org2",
      "backupContent": "Backup Folders: ['E:\\backup\\File31']",
      "backupSetType": "Files",
      "backupSet": "WIN-L8HL4FNA0KB#bset3",
      "administrativeGroup": "admin_org_2",
      "organization": "org_2",
      "storageTier": "None",
      "warmThreshold": 15
  "lastSyncTimestamp": "2024-03-29T08:33:41.748Z",
  "filters": {},
  "nextPageToken": "YTBDNDk6Rjk1MmViY1FpTVpBejNFTU9lSWxzUT09OjA="
dataarray of objectsThe collection of storage consumption information per backup set.
lastUpdatedTimedate-timeThe last updated time of a report, in the UTC format.
currentSourcestringThe size of the data on the source servers, databases, and virtual machines at the time of the last backup.
estimatedStoragestringThe ratio of "Source+Changes" to Storage. This number is an estimate and it may change with the actual data stored on the cloud.
sourceChangesstringThe amount of backup data generated at the source. This includes the initial full backup and incremental data from all subsequent backups.
storageSourceReductionFactorstringThe ratio of Source+Change to the Druva storage.
backupPolicystringThe backup policy associated with the resource.
backupContentstringThe content rule or the custom content applied to the resource for backup.For Oracle and MS-SQL Servers, this field displays the number of databases included in the backup.
backupSetTypestringThe type of the backup set of the resource.
backupSetstringThe name of the backup set associated with a workload.
administrativeGroupstringThe name of the administrative group of the workload.
organizationstringThe name of the organization in which the workload is configured.
storageTierstringThe storage tier where snapshots are stored.
warmThresholdintegerThe number of days before a snapshot is moved from warm storage tier to cold.
  "code": "string",
  "data": {
    "additionalProp": {}
  "message": "string",
  "retryable": true
codestringError code.
dataobjectData of the error.
messagestringError message.
retryablebooleanCan retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.)