Get a list of reports
The list of reports that correspond to a product ID.
List reports
This API endpoint provides the lists of reports that are accessible for specified product IDs. It accepts a comma-separated list of product IDs.
Possible product IDs are:
- 8193 for endpoints
- 12289 for enterprise workloads
- 36880 for cyber resilience
- 8197 for data governance
- 8196 for salesforce
Request type
Sample cURL request
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json'
To try this API endpoint, see Reports API reference.
Sample responses
"reportLists": [
"reportID": "dgRollbackActions",
"reportName": "Rollback Actions Report",
"reportDescription": "Details of deleted, rolled back, and permanently deleted entities.",
"productName": "Cyber Resilience",
"version": "v1"
Field | Type | Description |
reportLists | array of objects | The list of reports available. |
reportID | string | The unique ID given for the report. |
reportName | string | The name of the report. |
reportDescription | string | The description of the report. |
productName | string | The name of the associated product. |
version | string | The version supported for the report. Example - v1 |
"code": "string",
"data": {
"additionalProp": {}
"message": "string",
"retryable": true
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code. |
data | object | Data of the error. |
message | string | Error message. |
retryable | boolean | Can retry the API call (true for yes and false for no.) |
Updated 30 days ago